Humping is a wHOlesale Business

Humping is a wHOlesale Business

There was a notice in the breakroom of Max-Mart for a new job position. It specialized more towards our male customers. Nothing major. Just small talk and smiling. And being one for insomnia, the night shift worked fine for me.

Call me one for naiveté…

But in less than a day, I was accepted and sent what I would wear for that evening: a bathrobe…

A thin, Barbie pink bathrobe.

Things only went from bad to worse as I read the instruction card with it.

“Wear nothing underneath. Just you ready and willing.” There was an address. And I, I…

I found myself surrounded by my “new” employers. Who quickly said that I had already been requested. My hair was down. Thinking it was an effort to cover myself as best I could. Yet it was well received. But nothing could hide the smile I was asked to wear for my first night. Dinner? A small formality before the customer… Had his way with me.

One of the other women told me. At first, she was requested to do the same as me and not to fear. She sneered. My horror only grew at what could be done to my body. Hurt, beaten… worse. But when the customer saw me.

“Virginal,” that was the word he used. And more honest than this whole job implied.

I was pushed to smile even more. And the woman continued to prod me forward with this customer as I closed my eyes, trying not to cry. But would I? Yes, I was virginal in every sense of the word.

“You’ll enjoy his… “I heard the woman say, but I couldn’t get the word out. But I knew… male organ.

With one step back, I heard a voice overhead screech.

“Please be reminded there’ll be no backing out. Max-Mart employees and customers must be fulfilled.”

I continued to dinner, heartbroken.

Many men eyed me up as I made my way. Staring pervertedly at my body. I could hide nothing from them in this lewd bathrobe.

Their voices blended. Then, there was my customer at the table. And he made small talk as I did nothing but smile. Waiting, hoping, praying…

It wasn’t until check-in that I finally noticed the customer entirely. A man in his mid-60s. Nearly half my age. But he paid for me in full. For my company…

He led me to a secluded room with a bed on the floor and ran his hand through my dark hair as he continued trying to chat me up. Still, my smile never wavered as I attempted to hold back the bile in my throat.

“Let me see your breasts,” he moaned. “I can’t wait to have them in my hands, my mouth licking, sucking…”

I blushed, but his lips were on mine before I could respond. He held the back of my neck as his other hand slid into my robe and grabbed my breast, squeezing and stroking. I relaxed as he laid me down on the bed, continuing.

His breaths became quicker as he fondled me. But his kiss stopped as he looked me in the eyes, longing.

“I want these breasts now!” he panted as he opened my robe hurriedly as I shivered beneath his hard body.

He began madly stroking both, running his lips over them as I began to moan softly. Hating that I was becoming wet, as I was only with him for hire.

I don’t know how long he went crazy for my breasts before he got up, looking me up and down.

“I want to see every part of you!” he demanded.

“Please don’t! Someone might see me like this…” I begged.

“Someone is watching you to make sure,” the customer snickered.

I was sure I saw someone in the corner. I heard someone whisper my name, moaning it as they watched.

The customer began kissing me again as my robe began to fall away. The man’s hands dropped to my thighs and then gripped my ass tightly. I couldn’t resist him.

As I lay there completely naked, his hands then made their way to my wet opening, waiting to be filled.

“Are you ready for this big dick? “the customer asked.

“What’s it good for?” I fired back with a smile.

“To rock your body!” he whispered as a hand found my glistening slit, opening me.

The customer began fingering me, and I moaned against my will from his touch. My back was arching, relishing the pleasure as the man laughed at me, enjoying myself. He tempted me with his mouth. Breathing upon my center, waiting.

I knew that I was being watched by the man in the corner. He was enjoying himself as he awaited my grand finale into womanhood.

It felt like forever, but then the customer parted my legs gently, and I felt the weight of his hips come down on mine. His big dick was inside me. And like he said, it was so big that I thought it wouldn’t fit. My head went back, and I let out a breathless moan. He kissed my throat and chest as he waited for me to open around him.

Then he began stroking inside me. I lost all control and couldn’t tell what was happening. It felt so hot and intense. My body was shaking so hard I could only gasp. His hands ran desperately over my body, and his hips came down and up so hard and fast.

I rose to meet each thrust inside of me. My body was slick with sweat, and I thought I might die with what this man was doing to me now.

“So good, so tight!” the customer gasped, using me for his own personal sex toy.

His words grew filthier as he rammed inside me harder and faster. I cried and screamed for the release I could feel inside me. Finally, breaking but silenced by his kiss with his warm cum filling me up, flooding me. But he stayed on top of me, breathing heavily in the ecstasy he had taken.

“It’s done,” the customer bragged.

I lay panting underneath him. His cock softened inside me as I watched his seed leak between my trembling thighs. A smiling woman entered the room with a clipboard and smiled upon our sated bodies.

“Was she worth the fuck?” The woman cooed at us.

“Yeah, she was!” the customer replied, nodding. His sweat coating my body all the more.

“Such big breasts!” she cheered. I attempted to cover myself, but the customer pinned my hands, looking me over again.

“Round two…” the customer whispered as I felt him harden inside of me almost instantly.

In seconds, he was pounding me hard once more. And I could feel both his and my desires building again.

“You will be judged by your hips, butt, and breasts.” the woman chatted away as she watched us go at it. “You must also please each man. That’s the most important aspect of this job! And I am also pleased to inform you that your next job will be at a hotel suite. Cheer up!”

Before I could cry, the customer grabbed my face turning me towards him as on the brink of cumming again.

“I think you’ll like becoming a Max-Mart whore!” he groaned.

Oh! Bully, Bully, Me… Butt

Oh! Bully, Bully, Me… Butt

“You’re late, you little perv,” Coach sneers at the little man beneath his stern gaze.

That would be me: same shit, different year. High school had not been so kind. Neither was thirty-nine. And especially not Coach. He wasn’t my coach here. My personal trainer filled out a lot better.

Not the pudgy 265-pound bald man standing before me in nothing but a white towel. But I wasn’t in a position to talk. All 125 pounds of skinny me pressed against the wall. Shivering, trying to keep my glasses on my face and the black towel around my waist. It be your own people, but let’s avoid the “urban” stereotype. We are Both black men in a shower room at the local gym. We both had our reasons for being here. Lose weight and gain weight. Bully and nerd. Women…

How’d you get so lucky to land a girl like Alissa anyway? I’m sure a lot of guys want to know how you pulled it off. Right Will?” Coach scoffed.

“No!” I manage to blurt.

It wasn’t that all those guys he was talking about hadn’t seen her naked already. Being with her was another reason I joined the gym.

Not that it mattered to Alissa. Nobody focused on the guy, i.e., me, in her dirty adult videos. But between the two of us, we were raking in the cash. If only that’s all we were doing. I should have quit while I was ahead.

“Business has been slow, Coach. Give me a few more days, please,” I begged him.

“Why not just ask your girl for the cash? You got plenty, nerd,” Coach hinted.

Coach used my name when it came to my actual business. One more reason I hid my face in my fiancée’s videos. If only I had the body to be an adult entertainer. And I was sure people wouldn’t care. But they would, and that would be the end of me. Unfortunately, Coach had the “uncut” versions of several videos. Like in high school, he probably shook down another nerd to hack us and see.

“You know I can’t touch that money. It’s between me and Alissa. She’ll notice it missing and then…” I press.

“Then nothing cash or ass. Alissa will feel something for once instead of your tiny cock. Unless you…” Coach pauses.

“Don’t ruin us!” I blurt.

“I’ll ruin her.” Coach grunts.

Alissa isn’t just relaxing. Nope, not with her high heels on, with the straps around her ankles. Her red crop top exposed her midriff, and her red and white booty shorts completed the look. Not that her clothes wouldn’t be on the floor soon. Her green eyes fall to me.

“What’s that smell,” she quips, revealing her face with her red and black bop haircut.

People loved the faces she made as she was being railed by me. Hell! I was almost The 40-Year-Old Virgin before meeting her. Thirty-Nine to her Twenty-Six. But being around the sweetleaf was the least of my problems. How do I tell her what I did? The forty-four-year-old man. That is sitting in our living room. There was a reason it was cash or ass. Being a high school coach, he had plenty of access to the grass he smoked.

“Do you love me, Alissa? I mean, really,” I begin.

She shows off the shiny engagement ring. The reason I couldn’t pay off Coach. Getting my ass kicked in high school was no problem. But how would I explain the pounding I would be given by Coach? Well, if he didn’t give Alissa a type of pounding. Pussy and ass.

“Yes, I’d give everything for you… Daddy,” Alissa teases me.

“Funny you should say that,” Coach says, walking into our bedroom but not quite uninvited.

Alissa jumps up, reaching for the nightstand and our “peacekeeper.” But I stop her there.

“Oh, is this your husband? Excuse me, your fiancé, a nerd who calls himself a man, you slut!” Coach informs.

He plays a video of the two of us and a lengthy list of investors and intimate people. I’m screwed if these people know me. The real me. The high school nerd who is still a dork and businessman, too.

“Undress and get on your knees right now,” Coach demands.

Alissa looks at me but begins to undress. For the first time, it’s not her that gets my attention. Coach’s purple and yellow shirt is thrown away, revealing his gut. His Dockers hitting the floor.

“Real man’s dick,” Coach grumbles.

Grabbling Alissa’s hair, he drags her to his thick, meaty shaft and thrusts into her mouth. Beginning hard and rough.

You like watching me fuck your girl, don’t you? Take off and let her see. She likes it,” Coach mutters.

My own clothes find their way to the floor, too.

“Ahh! I moan, wishing I could say something to defend my girl. Not so lucky.

My hands fall to my own dark cock as my fiancée gags on Coach’s member. I don’t become a Karen, mad that some black guy is with a pretty white girl. No, sadly, I submit.

“Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!” Coach yells, ripping himself from Alissa’s cherry lips. And unloading ropes of cum along her face, tits, and hair. His cock slattering his jizz all over her.

She coughs violently as my own creamy load lands in front of her. Coach begins laughing at us both. He shows the video of both of us on his phone. More blackmail material to use?

“Don’t worry, just more beat-off material if you’re girl can satisfy me. I’ve dreamed about her tight pussy. It must be to find your needle dick, nerd. Or she’s an incredible actress.” Coach guesses smugly.

“More, give me more, please, Alissa motions to Coach’s cock.

“Get on the bed, loser, while I fuck your whore right here,” Coach commands us.

Alissa bends over as Coach slams into her snatch from behind. I can’t help myself fisting her hair and pleasuring myself with her perfect mouth.

The two of us cum together, but this time, we fill Alissa with our seed. She falls to the floor for Coach to grip her hair and stand her up. White skin covered in snow-white cum. Her high heels slipped.

“Now, now, you little cum dumpster.” Coach begins, “There’s one hole I know you’ve never used for that dork of yours,” he rubs Alissa’s ass.

“No!” Alissa cries out adamantly as she loses her footing.

“It’s either this or I might have to come back for more. Isn’t that what you asked for?” Coach questions.

Alissa was playing him but her anal virginity… A surprise for our wedding night, perhaps.

“I’ll even let you fuck the loser. This will make you even more famous,” Coach says. The cameras in the bedroom are all switched on.

Our faces were blurry, but not Alissa’s, as she was thrown on top of me. As she clung to me on the bed, my cock inside her Coach climbed behind. Between cum and spit, he slid between her ass cheeks. I could feel Alissa’s moans and her tears as she was fucked between us both.

“Slut!” Coach moaned cumming in her ass as I watched.

Sage Advice for My Wonderland

Trying to scare another woman away but she’s a “professional” honestly though I didn’t know a “sure” on Twitter, would elicit any type of response that she wrote to me and who knows who else but yeah I was flattered Sage Advice for My Wonderland

Well considering your offer, I suppose I can see myself to the ranch so luxury hotel accommodations would be nice, though pick something you are quite comfortable with as I don’t see us leaving for the next two days unless something comes to mind. As for the weekend, I have broken it up into four quite different encounters, that will take some research to put together but I we will have to try I suppose.

The first I call “Jailbait Heroines” Young Adult novels have always been quite the fetish of mine and as for which novel I can call my favorite is nearly impossible. You cosplaying as Katniss Everdeen and Beatrice “Tris” Prior is a must, I might also recommend bringing a friend but considering resources you doing both roles at different times would be awesome. There will be multiple costume changes throughout this encounter with all the characters I have in mind such as Bella “Twilight”, Ember “Article 5”, Lena Duchannes “Beautiful Creatures”, Rose Hathaway “Vampire Academy” to name a few; you wouldn’t happen to be Mystique by any chance; as for costumes…

1. Black T-Shirt, Panties, Black High Heels, Brown Jacket, or Catching Fire Jumpsuit “Katniss”
2. Jumpsuit or Military Suit (Insurgent, Allegiant) “Tris”
3. Tight Dark Blue Dress “Bella”
4. Long Skirt, White Button Blouse “Ember” (Research Needed)
5. Old Southern Style, Yellow Night Gown, Plantation Style Black Dress “Lena Duchannes”
6. Black Leather Jacket, Mini Skirt, Tight Black Dress, Black Boots “Rose”

My second encounter is “Working During The Apocalypse” I have yet to decide on an apocalyptic scenario but I image a young woman seeking refuge from the horrors of the outside world. Be aware that nearly all of these encounters will be mixed with some form of bondage, but I’ve seen the things you can do with that. You should brush up a bit on Bible Black though other than the schoolgirl costume you can improvise a character perhaps; I’ll have to think of my favorites a bit.

Another encounter will be an improvised scène from the movie “The Falling” honestly I haven’t seen it but the scene I require I know quite well. Easily enough you’ll play Maisie Williams’s character of “Lydia Lamont” and a white blouse and plaid skirt should be easy enough to find I take it. Already I know I am asking quite a lot, with breaks for room service, to shower, and maybe a bit of sleep hopefully.

Last but not least is another improvise scene from one of my favorites “Hannah Harper” as the naughty housewife, so sinfully small white robe will be all that is needed. Again you can play the role however you see fit, though you should also have scattered lingerie around the room, and wear a crucifix since holier than thou girls is also another fetish of mine. We also need to talk about video documentation as well, for all of these encounters, voyeurism, exhibitionism, and of course, BDSM; are fetishes of mine.

Now I honestly believe I’m dreaming considering, the time and resources it will take to get from here to there but I’m not one to leave a lady hanging. You wanted to know the details of my fantasies and these four may change at any time before we ever meet face to face, with time