There are people out there fighting for my life, some who are protecting my son’s life and I dare to complain that I want all this living that I should be doing to mean something but nobody vetted my soul. “Will Vet For You.”
Sunday, November 11, 2018
Episode 133 ~Will Vet For You~
To Will:
How To Make One Million Dollars, I want to say if you can be you that “It’s Possible” to deserve it, to earn it and so much more and you look at yourself today on this Veteran’s Day. You’ve never been to war, you wanted to be a Veterinarian at one point, and now you sell your visions.
Even when you were a child you wanted to be a war correspondent, you knew then that the next battle was upon the horizon and you wanted to see it, never one for blood but lead, ink, a bunch of ones and zeros because you’re no hero. Hell you were a Navy Seaman (recruit) for about two weeks, how they make things look good on paper but they weren’t looking at you, they didn’t want to, nobody thought to vet you which is the point today. I don’t want to call you a loser, somebody not worth anything but today as always we evaluate who you are and what does this say, Six Impossible Things:
1. I Will Keep It In My Pants (Day 030 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
Completed (Day 002 No Fap)
2. I Will Be The “Father” My Dog Deserves
3. I Will Review Sell My Soul (Sixty Days #1) by Jade West
4. I Will Review Depredation By Natalie Bennett
5. I Will Finish Dancing In The Dark By T.L. Martin (Goodreads)
6. I Will Write 10,200 Words For My Novel “NaNoWriMo Challenge”
You can’t live your life so how can you be expected to save a life, especially knowing how you feel about most humans and for some stupid reason back in school you wished to work for The Humane Society and later become a Vet. Forever be grateful that “B III” is still alive but yes I talked a lot about the Vet that helped him, dispensing pills without any show of heart or compassion but still “Triple B” is okay. Another person that should get vetted but who are you to judge (Refer to #2) and that one point you get for even breathing and what will you do with your life, Six Impossible Things.
1. I Will Keep It In My Pants (Day 002 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
2. I Will Be The “Father” My Dog Deserves
3. I Will Review Sell My Soul (Sixty Days #1) by Jade West
4. I Will Review Depredation By Natalie Bennett
5. I Will Finish Dancing In The Dark By T.L. Martin (Goodreads)
6. I Will Catch-Up Fully With My New Novel “NaNoWriMo Challenge”
So one group saw what they wanted you to become, another I judged but again I couldn’t do it, and I don’t think you have any plans to go to school for it, so I am asking you to vet yourself and see who you are but of course that hurts too much. If some were to judge your writing, yeah straight to jail but if it’s by the “man” everyone sees, back in school you were considered too weak for a while, juvenile hall you were nobody, at the day job you’re a workhorse. My biggest wish, every week for you is that you’ll be better than I was, you must be but who am I to speak for you, be The Man who fights, who fixes, who finally lives his purpose, who can vet a brand new man, I Will Vet For You.