“What’s my age again,” as the song goes? My “father” was here selling my first car, which was junk, I know. Everyone thinking I can’t drive my second car. Only there’s a lot of things I can’t do, like writing. “Will Brings His Genre,” it’s been a day
Friday, December 11, 2020
Gospel 163 ~Will Brings His Genre~
Hey Lady Sophia,
I AM a Billionaire right now, only not really. Also, I can’t share my writing genre with you because it’s not Thursday… ahh, Dirty Diana. Can’t say I’m in the mood either. Oh, you know me, but for now, I’m wishing COVID-19 took a heavier toll population-wise, SIGH. Once again, my Republican tendencies, and what a horrible thing to think, let alone write. Now we both know it’s a lot more acceptable than what I usually put on the page. It’s a sad state of affairs wishing death upon my fellow man. All because I hate DRIVING?
Sure I lost one car today. Well, my father sold it to a scraper or somebody today. It wasn’t like I was driving it ever. On top of that, the car I’m cruising in; well, I guess everyone thinks I don’t know what I’m doing behind the wheel. I’m not all Fast & Furious enough. Fury is one thing I understand far too well. Only in this part of the story, its purpose is to keep back the despair. I won’t go back to reading Dale Carnegie anytime soon. What about writing my own Self-Help book? As always, what motivates me. We can’t discuss it. Much like the book, I’m currently reading. Yes, it’s another one for the holidays by C. M. Steele. I can’t say I’m getting in a very festive mood. There was even a point in my life where I wrote some holiday poetry, but I was only seeing green dollars… NOT.
If I had been, then indeed, I would be writing a review for some miracle pill. Is that science fiction Lady Sophia? Some drugs will take my Fear, Fury and make me Forget about today. I do tend to write about how I imagine my future. No zombie overruns usually. Interesting, writing, and not writing are so hard. I could tell you all about the horrors of my world. Only you wouldn’t find them so terrifying because in my eyes you… I have Lady Lu’s look down, and I hate the man in the mirror but yours; seven deadly sins? However, what genre would I call these conversations? I’m definitely not happy. History was my former FAVORITE subject. I did try my hand at being a songwriter once upon a time. I’m a drama queen…
Bad endings like Far Cry 5, Will Brings His Genre
I Will Have No Fear