I’m don’t drink, it impairs judgment, makes you say something stupid, makes you completely different but every so often I get that nudge for a drink. “Basic Bar” been on my knees, hugging the porcelain altar because I’m just so sick of
A man walks into a bar
as the people say, how bizarre
and demand that he be locked in a cage
for his rage.
His judges, big and small, wherever they are
the man would say au revoir
only he needs to forget his pain
But he sings that I wish it would rain
just so he knows how tall, on what star
To set a much higher bar
Because sitting here in limbo
with just another… no just leave him alone.
Only now he’s on WordStar
a few scars
to remind him, the sky’s the limit.
In five minutes
he’s in the back of a patrol car
while my guitar
gently weeps.
So I creep
to ask him before he’s taken down the boulevard
“Just another so and so from afar…”
Copyright © 2017, Will A. Bradford Jr. All rights reserved.