Every time I go to speak, it comes out as a yawn, a tapestry of obscenity or praise for B III; how I wish I could know appreciation for keeping myself alive and all that’s required is taking pills slathered in peanut butter. The Language Of Will

Sunday, November 25, 2018
Episode 147 ~The Language Of Will~
To Will:
How To Make One Million Dollars, with NaNoWriMo nearly over I have been lost in my Motivational playlist, I have done you the courtesy of adding it to Youtube, but one of the phrases I remember is something to the tune of, keep your mouth shut and work, let your success make the noise. I’m going to tell you this second that one of your goals this week, will be to finish “Plague Two Pay” even if right now it sounds like Star Trek Deep Space Nine “Babel.”
Social Anxiety can be a real bitch (Language Please), but there are times like these I don’t think it’s “SAD” but more like utter exhaustion; the way I have been speaking this weekend can be chalked up in one word, Zzz… If it’s not that it’s the marching of God only knows how many feet, but as the song goes 99 Problems, but I’m not missing any bitch yet (again Will). If I do speak actual words they have mostly been “Take your medicine puppy,” “such a good boy,” or “not right now” so you already know what I’ve failed with those, Six Impossible Things:
1. I Will Keep It In My Pants (Day 002 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
Failed (Day 002 No Fap)
2. I Will Be The “Father” My Dog Deserves
3. I Will Review Sell My Soul (Sixty Days #1) by Jade West
4. I Will Review Depredation By Natalie Bennett
5. I Will Finish Dancing In The Dark By T.L. Martin (Goodreads)
6. I Will Continue “NaNoWriMo” 12,600
What’s one more 17. 5 F and in this case, the F would stand for; yeah, I’m not going to say but with my Motivations, that F should start the mantra of Find A Way and haven’t you today, giving yourself another 1,800 words for the novel. What about going out to make some money though you’re already $150.00 down “Grammarly” that’s for your career, nothing has staunched the idea you’re going to make it as a writer and shouldn’t that count as a real blessing. Can you be glad that this is the last week of NaNoWriMo and what will you do with all your time after that, editing is going to be a pain in the: yes save the dirty words for the story and the overwhelming exhaustion for these Six Impossible Things:
1. I Will Keep It In My Pants (Day 002 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
2. I Will Be The “Father” My Dog Deserves
3. I Will Review Sell My Soul (Sixty Days #1) by Jade West
4. I Will Review Depredation By Natalie Bennett
5. I Will Finish Dancing In The Dark By T.L. Martin (Goodreads)
6. I Will Finish My “NaNoWriMo”
Words like Easy Street, Rested, and Happy don’t come to a man like you, but you have to start thinking positively, and I’m sure you don’t want me mentioning, Motivation, NaNoWriMo, or Ant one more time but fact vs. fiction, you have a chance at finishing one of those. Once you stop playing pretend though, what comes next, what does it take to be Phenomenal other than hard work, kicking everything else to the curb, how about a lifetime commitment, writing The Language Of Will.
I Will Have No Fear