Does fishing count as hunting and how about when you feel like more the prey than the one hunter, and with these “fangs” of mine I would never be caught smiling though there is so much that I want. “Will Hunts Big Game.”

Sunday, February 3, 2019
Episode 217 ~Will Hunts Big Game~
To Will:
How To Make A Million Dollars, get yourself one of those helmets like Daft Punk and become an artist of merit and then maybe just maybe, you might Get Lucky, or so you think right? Suppose you’re creepy enough that you should let your quarry see you and while you hate the concept of hunting, you can at least make it fair, you’re not a liar are you; well other than to yourself, but it also explains why you have told yourself that story of D’Leh and Evolet.
Shhh, be very, very quiet, yeah right Super Bowl Sunday and all, but if you’re not looking forward to that, what is it you’re searching for; the Beast had it easy, Belle came to him. Cyrano had all the time in the world to get used to his nose, and Bobby Brown/Michael in Two Can Play That Game, well, you know. Anyway answer the question what do you want Will, a clock big enough to encompass the time needed for B III to live, to see you make something of your life; Level 14 on the 13th remember that. Virtues made bigger and vices smaller, now that is all kinds of dirty but speaking of the muck and the mire what about this list getting even greater, Six Impossible Things:
- I Will Keep It In My Pants (Day 035 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
Failed (Day 003 No Fap) - I Will Be The “Father” My Dog Deserves
Failed - I Will Review Sell My Soul (Sixty Days #1) by Jade West
Failed - I Will Review Depredation By Natalie Bennett
Failed - I Will Read “Lolita” Vladimir Nabokov
Failed - I Will Edit One Chapter Of My Newly Written Novel
A big fat zero, has it been so long… hell maybe you should find the day to shoot down, rub out and clean this list but yes this is my fault even with all the time in the world to “TRY” and do something. Now you don’t even remember how long this particular list has known to repeat, other than five and that was about two weeks ago, again there is so much to read and learn. Nice if you did that in a dentist office too don’t you think; no you’re wanting to keep C-Notes because you know what you’re looking for next isn’t that right, but shouldn’t you focus on Six Impossible Things:
- I Will Keep It In My Pants (Day 003 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
- I Will Be The “Father” My Dog Deserves
- I Will Review Sell My Soul (Sixty Days #1) by Jade West
- I Will Review Depredation By Natalie Bennett
- I Will Read “Lolita” Vladimir Nabokov
- I Will Edit One Chapter Of My Newly Written Novel
Always or at least according to your motivations you should be a better man than you were yesterday and honestly when you’re hiding so much, the mirror is bothering you more and more, how do hunters take pictures of their kills, yeah you’re killing yourself, Will, figuratively speaking. Hello, honestly, you practice saying that in the mirror constantly to hide, you sing it to “Triple B” and isn’t he in the same predicament mouth-wise, and of course, you want to text it to the other MILF but that takes heart, and such matters, seriously Will sigh Will Hunts Big Game.
I Will Have No Fear