Gospel 074 ~What Will It Take~

Every night I say the same thing, six hours, wake up at four, walk the dog when it’s just the two of us, and yet I’m not a billionaire yet, and I didn’t do any of those three things. So I’ve been Verified and have one goal, but SIGH What Will It Take

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Gospel 074 ~What Will It Take~

To Will:
I AM a Billionaire right now, but what’s taking you so long? God, you don’t know how much I want to scream at you right now, as one of your motivations. What is it going to take, what is it that is going to get you to change? Again what will it take? Entertaining the thoughts of fame and fortune, aren’t you? I mean, look at where you’ve been all morning? On that note, I should applaud you. At least you made it to the table, and you’re not sitting in front of the TV watching Far Cry 5 in so many days.

Do you remember when you joined TIBU (This Is By Us)? Yeah, in those days, I was whining like um… nevermind. Anyway, here you are, four years in, and it’s not that you don’t care. More to the point, you do this for you, and if somebody reads it well… Remember, Triond, which wasn’t a complete loss. At least you met M. Anime if she hasn’t blocked you yet. You’re sort of scared to check now. Don’t have an episode like me. When you’re checking your list of friends to see who has decided to leave and/or block you today. Now you have this new place, where Yabbos are more than welcome. Hell, you can scream your heart out but then again, pictures vs. words. You’re getting older, my friend. Binders full of Hentai was as good as it got once upon a time. Now keep it in your pants.

  1. I AM Keeping It In My Pants (Day 002 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
    Completed (Day 009 No Fap)
  2. I AM Always The “Father” My Dæmon Deserves
  3. I AM Sending Gulp Off To Be Published
  4. I AM Reviewing Raphael By Tillie Cole
  5. I AM Going To Bed Before Midnight
  6. I AM Finishing The Manual: What Women Want and How to Give It to Them by W. Anton

Yeah, that’s the only IMPOSSIBLE thing I was able to accomplish this week. The question is… no, I’m not inquiring anything, you are going to do better. Isn’t that what I said the night before? At this rate, you can’t even do an “About Me” page, and let’s be honest, it didn’t work for OkCupid. Well, I did find; okay, better not to even go down that road. The point is I want you to do something. One of my motivations said making a list is like a graveyard, and for how long have the same things been on the list? Of course, two of them never change. I need to be a better man and the best father. The Dæmon is going through his own trials and tribulations, but here’s yours, Six Impossible Things:

  1. I AM Keeping It In My Pants (Day 009 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
  2. I AM Always The “Father” My Dæmon Deserves
  3. I AM Sending Gulp Off To Be Published
  4. I AM Reviewing Raphael By Tillie Cole
  5. I AM Going To Bed Before Midnight
  6. I AM Finishing The Manual: What Women Want and How to Give It to Them by W. Anton

The truth is only your Will. What Will It Take

I Will Have No Fear

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