What does it profit a man, to gain the whole world, and lose his soul? I’m not a man of faith, but my mom taught me some. While she’s not alone in the world, I’m hoping to be a better man than Dad. Will’s Christmas List IV means I’ll need a good girl

Thursday, December 24, 2020
Gospel 176 ~Will’s Christmas List IV~
Come In Dirty Diana,
I AM a Billionaire right now, which means I have it all, the BOOKS, written and bought with all the BUCKS. If I were going to spend the holidays in bed, would it be in a BROTHEL? That’s where Dennis Hof spent his, but no. This Christmas, I want a BABE. Well, “She doesn’t look a thing like Jesus,” ha-ha. A baby girl, a baby doll. Yesterday I asked was I looking for love? It would be a Christmas Miracle or Hell if I had her here now; I could take care of everything else for me and mine for sure.
A woman that would let me read as I please. What, I could be reading a Playboy or something, but my current reading has been:
Christmas Reading
- The Christmas Pickup by Abby Knox
- Mason’s Winter by C.M. Steele
- Baby It’s Cold Outside by Dani Wyatt
- The Christmas Wife by Elizabeth Kelly
At the same time, yeah, I want to produce those “girly magazines,” but I’m damn sure my angel (shudders) won’t be a “Centerfold.” I want a woman all to myself, and I only know two virgins. Don’t ask because today should be HAPPY, Christmas Eve.
Not sounding very sexy so far, but if we got into everything I’m into… So I pay women to strip and masturbate. I’ve got three artists I’m bankrolling and have paid others for this or that. You know how I want to make my money in the end, right? Writing every perverted, depraved, sick thought in my mind. I would at least have an excuse if I was fucking some girl on Christmas Eve and into Christmas Day. It worked for Bear, Mason, Vix, and while Deacon hasn’t fucked the heroine yet… Was I going to say I ain’t asking for much? I mean, seriously.
It’s not writing dirty books, having more money than God, or owing a brothel. Again I need a woman whose heart is big enough to accept all of me. Yeah, with a pretty mouth, a small slit, and nothing against anal. Also, she’s going to be the mother of my children one day. Tell me such a woman exists that I could bang her brains out, and right about now, she would be cooking breakfast?
More books, bucks, and broads for brothels but only one babe. Will’s Christmas List IV.
I Will Have More Fear