Another two out of six, so I guess I owe the Day Job an apology; I walk a thousand steps for them no problem, but I can’t walk around ten to do what I love. Of course, my kid still wants his walks in this time of plague. “Willing For Ten Steps.”
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Log 272 ~Willing For Ten Steps~
To Will:
I AM a Billionaire right now, but you look like you’re getting a $1,200 stimulus check. If anything for this week, you can live like your wealthy. I know I’ve been sitting on my butt the whole time (seven days Friday). Right now, I can’t even tell you if you have the Day Job or not (work email)? While I’m looking ahead, you can look at me and say I’m Very Disappointed, join the club. The fact that I rise to go to a place I hate and I can’t get it up to walk to the dining room table. Sadly I’m still raring to go as far as “getting it up,” I can only imagine your state.
Let’s start with last night. I can’t go to bed at 10:00 PM or any decent hour, for that matter. I usually play TWD until I feel I can’t keep my eyes open. I set the clock for midnight, but I end up waking at 3:00 AM with all the lights and TV still on. By sunrise, it’s a fight even to walk my boy. I barely got through editing one hundred errors of my novella, and I still have four hundred to go. Now that could have been my first mistake. It got me so worked up, The Eve of a Cherry. What do you think of the new name; a win’s a win, I suppose. Not with my break time, though, between Cherry, Alice Little, and others geez. Wasn’t there a point where I said I wasn’t going to speak of weaknesses in myself. 2020 has been a messed up year for everybody, but I’m still disappointed as I was “moaning” not an hour ago. I wasn’t crying about these Six Impossible Things:
- I AM Keeping It In My Pants (Day 008 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
Failed (Day 001 No Fap) - I AM Always The “Father” My Dæmon Deserves
Failed - I AM Reviewing Twenty “GULP” Poems
Failed - I AM Reviewing Raphael By Tillie Cole
Failed - I AM Not Receiving Any Warnings From Norton About Security
Completed - I AM Finishing Writing My Latest Novella
Devil’s Advocate, I don’t control #5, but I haven’t received any alerts. I even checked my phone because while I was busy “moaning” about one girl, I checked out Karlee Grey. Talk about ten steps. I can shoot from one fetish to another, no question. You know you can’t stay cooped up for ten days, and you’re not sick; well, I can hope not. Should we go into who gives you fever, because if you’re holding out, you’re as crazy as I was? Speaking of which AHEM Six Impossible Things:
- I AM Keeping It In My Pants (Day 001 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
- I AM Always The “Father” My Dæmon Deserves
- I AM Reviewing Twenty “GULP” Poems
- I AM Reviewing Raphael By Tillie Cole
- I AM Not Receiving Any Warnings From Norton About Security
- I AM Finishing Editing My Latest Novella “The Eve of a Cherry”
I’m asking you like Ethan Hawke in “Alive,” for ten steps, Willing For Ten Steps.
I Will Have No Fear