Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery; I’m sure they say something terrible about comparing yourself to others, and then I don’t want to be compared to criminals, but adult actresses beat out women in a lot *sigh*. “Will’s Reality Of Brazzers”

Thursday, December 13, 2018
Episode 165 ~Will’s Reality Of Brazzers~
Come In Dirty Diana,
How To Make One Million Dollars, well I already got the name “Second Circle Creations,” and no I’m not “trying” to rip off “Abyss Creations” you know REALDOLL and speaking of comparisons Reality Kings vs. Brazzers… I’m more of a Fetish Network type of person. You never can tell right, and I’m the first to preach about people thinking certain things about me and yet I commit the sin; yesterday I was reminded of “that girl” I don’t feel like being mean, but I learned you don’t compare girls to pornstars.
Now you know I’m also one for repeating lessons and myself so let’s start with an oldie but a goodie, Young vs. MILF, can’t say I have any feelings for cougars; anyway, this one has brought about the most trouble. One lesson in itself deserves a full-blown essay from outfits to models, Hentai, women from Little Lupe to Eileen Kelly, to several MILFS and look-alikes, but for the record, I’ve always stayed on the right side of the law regardless.
I know the difference between reality and fiction but tell a woman she looks like Amanda Seyfried, Haley Pullos, Jennifer Lawrence she’ll consider you pretty sweet but Linda Lovelace, Belle Knox, or after The Frappening and you’re an asshole. The point is this Amanda played the Lovelace story, Haley did Belle Knox, and Jennifer survived, this world is so full of lies, a guy wants to fuck a girl, but he must replace fuck with love; like the two don’t coexist. I’ve never wanted to fuck Beyoncé but if I compare you to Misty Stone you have my interest, I respect women in all facets of society, and if a guy doesn’t want any woman then he’s gay which again I respect the biology, nobody does that anymore I think.
Before I get political, religious, or scientific, well I’ll get back to me, clothing vs. naked and I have no problem with nudity, but it’s what’s inside that counts and sad to say with most people I encounter they lack… depth. Yeah insert Enormous Penis and does this make me a dick; what I’m trying to say is, the whole fantasy princess, virgin pure, schoolgirl, of course, MILF motif gets me going because afterward what’s left? Don’t worry I’m all about Aftercare but take one of my friends who happens to be a mom. Do I think I can have a future with her, no, am I’m looking to be a Father Figure, a sugar daddy, nope, running away together, she wouldn’t but for a few hours a month as Negan put it this way:
So it looks like I have plenty of cannon fodder for next time, and I didn’t say enough to get myself arrested. Okay would suggest I need to explain more but a picture is worth a thousand words, (still hate that saying) but I’m clear-headed and not only because of the talk, but such is also Will’s Reality Of Brazzers.

I Will Have No Fear