At this rate, my arms should probably be behind my back, but I’ve not one for my bondage as you may have guessed and other people, hell I always talk about a girl with fire, a lioness and yet to cage her? Up In Arms Will

Thursday, February 14, 2019
Episode 228 ~Up In Arms Will~
Come In Dirty Diana,
How To Make One Million Dollars, songwriting; nope but it might not be erotica either. Not even scripts for the everyday porno. Seeing as how I found last week’s entry, too much to post, not wanting anyone up in arms, again.
Wow today of all days, I’d rather be up in some guts… see even now I want to call that crude, but I wouldn’t get all crazy about it. The world today, hell how about my day, as I say, idle hands… should I ask God some questions, “distress,” or talk to you? How about my wallet and indeed I like buying gorgeous girls pretty things. Though I’ve realized shopping for women and it’s not hard, listen, list, or like me. That’s all Dominant, your submissive tells you about herself, and you learn. She informs you what she wants or needs. Finally, you tailor her to fit you, Inception somewhat.
Honestly, I got one girl to watch the entire Star Wars franchise, minus Solo: A Star Wars Story. One more is into Erotica now, especially Skye Warren and why getting into a woman’s head. Now I’m not saying I’m a genius. What will I be doing this Valentine’s Day again? Hopefully not starting any more controversies. Ahem like porn tastes that have been sporadic as of late. From yes the MILF to True Teen Babes, to Cosplay, and we’ll get to that. How about “FUCK” isn’t the dirtiest word I know. It’s quite versatile now when you think about it, but come on, I don’t remember it being in my latest read. I utter it every morning and not in a good way. Some people would prefer I fuck someone up, rather than say it, write it down, or mean it in a caring fashion…
Caring, did I care what I said to that Cosplayer? Well, I didn’t know her history. Yesterday I told you she wrote that “statement” and between its horrific nature and my libido? How well do you know me? Shouldn’t my morals be less fluid than people’s genders right? Trump is wrong, what happened to this girl is evil, but it got me hard? Rape is a terrible crime, but Ravishment fantasies are fantastic. Trust me I’m all about consent SSC, RACK, Aftercare practitioner. No wonder I buy girls plenty of books and TRUST is a huge word for me. Only it seems no matter what I utter, my words leave women in some fucked up way; Up In Arms Will.
I Will Have No Fear