Some people make plans of how they’ll change the world, I have to find ways to shrink, don’t smile, keep your hands busy so they don’t become fists, new playlists to keep me centered. The Last Smile because how did one so many years ago turn out
Sunday, February 17, 2019
Episode 231 ~The Last Smile Will~
To Will:
How To Make One Million Dollars, be that kid you were once before; Glen Iris Elementary School. When you had a good head on your shoulders. Yes, I know you are taking responsibility, only remembering facts. Teeth on stairs, bat on the jaw, “father’s” voice in your head bouncing around those white walls.
“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” ― Iron Mike Tyson
Hell, you didn’t even have a plan back then, you were merely HAPPY … now that’s a word for you. Last week with every conversation you’ve had with the girls you feel worse, hurt more and get uglier by the day. You think if you lost your job tomorrow; if the world comes crashing down that, there is no way you would recover. Because everything you utter, if anything would make your smile perfect. Compared to this madness? Think positive, yeah that’s those few seconds of ecstasy you feel, glaring at some girl’s tits. This week it was a cosplayer though last night it was the MILF’s curves. This morning you’ve forgotten which girl and speaking of Six Impossible Things:
- I Will Keep It In My Pants (Day 003 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
Failed (Day 001 No Fap) - I Will Be The “Father” My Dog Deserves
Failed - I Will Review Sell My Soul (Sixty Days #1) by Jade West
Failed - I Will Review Depredation By Natalie Bennett
Failed - I Will Read “Lolita” Vladimir Nabokov
Completed - I Will Edit One Chapter Of My Newly Written Novel
How many times must this be repeated, as much as this list, at least you’re looking at a 17.5 F but anyway. The greatest thing in life is to be loved, if not be liked, barring that, respected. If not, invisible, and if the human race won’t this small thing allow, be feared. Strange you never thought about TRUST. That’s a big word for a Dominant like yourself and why you live in fear of letting that monster out. So you stay in the invisible, sounds like that cult mantra from The Purge but there’s no final release only more pain. Anger, Rage, Hatred, that’s why you don’t bother. Because you could walk around with the perfect smile, and the world would look at you like what? You’re nothing, and then when you are acknowledged. You want to be the joke, a father, a Dominant or these Six Impossible Things:
- I Will Keep It In My Pants (Day 001 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
- I Will Be The “Father” My Dog Deserves
- I Will Review Sell My Soul (Sixty Days #1) by Jade West
- I Will Review Depredation By Natalie Bennett
- I Will Read “Deception and Chaos” (Chaos #1) by S.M. Soto
- I Will Edit One Chapter Of My Newly Written Novel
Maybe you should change the question. From How To Make One Million Dollars, to how to make yourself smile Will. Not that you will because you have six months left, to get that million, half a year wasted. Sounds a lot better than; even your age makes you feel ashamed. Better that, than some girl’s tits, horror story, or any other purpose you can dream. Your motivations continue to say everyone’s goal is to be happy, don’t look back, but what makes you feel that. Like this list, you can’t even remember you only grin and bear it, the gnashing of teeth. One day you will smile again; back then wasn’t The Last Smile Will.
I Will Have No Fear