Can’t say I have been reading a whole lot unless it was written on a body part. I’ve promised to read at least ten books this year, and I’ve barely gotten through eight. Do I have any other hobbies? “Willy, That’s So Interesting.”

Friday, September 18, 2020
Gospel 079 ~Willy, That’s So Interesting~
Hey Lady Sophia,
I AM a Billionaire right now, which means I should already be invested in several businesses. Perhaps this is blasphemy, but being a southern man, I don’t think I’ve ever been inside a Hobby Lobby. I’ve never gone through an episode of Game Of Thrones all the way. Neither did I care for The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Wasn’t it just yesterday I said I didn’t like sports and I hate football. Ok, somebody wants to cut up my “Southern Card” right now. What you’ve never watched “It’s A Southern Thing” hm?
Now I didn’t mean to go in this way (maybe I did with the title.) Well, a great man said, “vote with your crotch.” Brains have their moments, guts too. Your heart can be broken. Your naughty bits, though, always know what they want. What is most pleasing to man? One of my motivations talks about this. You move towards your desire. Why do I know about GoT… Maisie Williams, Sophie Turner, Emilia Clarke, Natalie Dormer, Nathalie Emmanuel. I could go on. With Rocky Horror, “Touch-A, Touch-A, Touch Me.” football, of course, has cheerleaders, Abbey Brooks, Alanah Rae, Kagney Linn Karter. Yes, all actresses but such are my interests and:
Reading, Writing, Poetry, Short Stories, Novels, Music, Apocalptypic tunes from the 40s – 60s, Hiking, Movies, Pets, Anime, Youtube, Blogging, Video Games, Research, Zombie Survival, Virtual Reality, Girlfriend Reviews, WWE, Art, Paintball, Camping, Board Games, Meditation, Journaling, Learning About Electronics Laser Tag, Larping, Cosplay, Comic-Con, Looking For Models, Making Adult Videos AEE, BDSM, Sex Toys, Erotica…
Is that all? Hell, Trump slept with Stormy Daniels, and I find her Yabbos quite interesting. Trump’s the president but a white man who wants to be in charge. That ain’t new by any stretch of the imagination. Now my survival… let’s not go there, but people as a whole? I should show more interest, but who does in me, other than to make sure I’m not “stalking” them. It’s a difference between caring for Yabbos and them as a person. Either way ends up screwing me up, to be sure. So what’s the balance, is there such a thing? Lucky “I got that magic you call ADD” as the song goes. Well, I shouldn’t say that, and as a matter of fact, I’m not fond of the word interesting. People have nothing to say.
Like any books I’m writing… well, Willy, That’s So Interesting.
I Will Have No Fear