There was a time I would read with a former friend of mine, and she would absolutely refuse to read the next book in the series. Or something else from the author because she liked the first ending. “Willing The Story’s End.”
Friday, Oct 23, 2020
Gospel 114 ~Willing The Story’s End~
Hey Lady Sophia,
I AM a Billionaire right now, so I must want to live forever. Well, considering I told my “Olds” no to early voting means I could have signed my death warrant. Once again, Lady Sophia, I’m voting on Nov 3, but will I be around to tell whoever that I did so?
You know that I don’t like anyone on the ballot, to be honest. I despise MAGA hats. On top of all that SIGH, I hate my “father’s” name appearing on the phone. How about wasting time seeing where he and my mother were going? Day ruined, and it’s 9:00 am. What else do I hate reading? Besides his name and the time. I give you this Lady Sophia, “Lord of the Flies,” and “The Moonstone.” Two books I couldn’t get through the first 50 pages. Does that mean I’m STUPID, that BORED? Would the ENDINGS be worth all of it? Even in my novel, I still mourn the deaths of a family. In the second, I grieve for a dead girl and an upcoming marriage. Despite everything, I always figured I wanted to be in love and be a family man. Only that wasn’t the story’s end in any form.
So why all the talk of endings I don’t want to see? I guess it starts with last night. Being the loser I am, it’s been a while since I’ve been on a midnight “Drive.” Yeah, right, it was 7:00 pm before the debate. Anyway, I was scared you’d be reading I got smashed up good. What would M. Anime think about that? I haven’t talked to Indiana Gone forever. Still, being a married, social working college student doesn’t give much time to gab. If anything, I’m only hoping that I don’t scare M. Anime off. I’ve known her longer. However, I wish Eric Vall’s book was a bit longer, but he’s written a series of about 17 of them and even more titles. Of course, Sunday, GULP will still sit unpublished. What about all of my other series waiting?
I don’t fear failure Lady Sophia; I fear the endings. The last one I ever witnessed was Detroit: Become Human, and how many ends does that have again? Hell being a writer, means that I want to be immortal. Eternal, “Always and Forever,” a song.
You and me, um three hours. Willing The Story’s End
I Will Have No Fear