You won’t ever eat it all; you know how they say to “eat your words,” at this point I’m better off choking on them, all of them in fact before I honestly do become a starving artist with no day job but I thought this was America. “Write My Pink Slip”

Friday, March 16, 2018
Lesson 258 ~Writing My Pink Slip~
Hey Lady Sophia,
I Am Not Afraid Anymore though I probably should be, there is a reason I’m a novelist and not a comedian, singer, or politician; in writing there’s fiction, with somebody like Trump it becomes fake news. Right, I haven’t been fired yet but didn’t I find myself in the same spot just last month; the story is always about the Second Amendment and how I should live by the Fifth, but no I practice the First enough.
To you Lady Sophia I can say practically anything, but my shame lies in the fact that I’m always hiding and then when honestly I should be, let’s say at work, I have to open my mouth and this will probably be the end of me. It wouldn’t be the first time I died on stage and didn’t I once talk about the death of a comedian. Unfortunately, I’m still the joke to the rest of the world, and that’s if I’m lucky. When it comes to others, I am but one word, “NO,” just say no right, and I do, to think when I was a child I wanted to be a comedian only we know the answer, no.
Songwriting though because trust me you do not want me singing was reawakened just last night thanks to my little boy and “Indiana Gone,” and strangely enough I cracked myself up, Indiana Gone is always laughing, so that doesn’t count. Not an original tune mind you, Lionel Richie’s “Hello,” who is original nowadays… the lyrics though are about the dog and his need for food. Making money songwriting isn’t exactly going to pay the bills, don’t I still owe my grandfather $100 for having some faith in me; speaking of which I’m not looking to become a preacher man either.
So that leaves becoming a novelist, and Indiana Gone ran the guilt trip on me last night but if it doesn’t work for the family and my boss acts like a baby with hurt feelings; that’s my job, why should I buy it from a friend? Here I am trying to get to the movies tonight too and no promises but I may just work on my story, I mean what else am I going to do with myself today.
Imagine if my book was sort of like Fifty Shades of Grey, walk into my day job and guess what I may just be able to do something like that, honestly Write My Pink Slip.
I Will Have No Fear
Hello (You Won’t Ever Eat It All)
I think it’s just around
Your breakfast time
Or maybe lunch, a bag of chips
Some fries in mind
And dinner there’s a pizza
At the door
You won’t ever eat it all
I can see it on your plate
And you’ve made a big mistake
Cause I’m not getting any
While my mouth is open wide
So you know just what to do
Why you got so much damn food
But I want to tell you, Daddy
I love you
Scooby’s gone and taken all her treats
But tell “Okay” it helps if she
Would just feed me
And when I can’t eat one more little bite
Does that come supersized
There’s so much to go around
With all the breasts and thighs
You could give a leg or two,
And dog food just won’t do
Tell me how I have to beg
She’s lonely, so let her stay
If all this food is for me, I love you
You won’t ever eat it all
There’s so much to go around
With all the breasts and thighs
You could give a leg or two
And dog food just won’t do
Tell me how I have to beg
She’s lonely, so let her stay
If all this food is for me, I love you