A “great man” once talked of having balls and his word; I have two years and a few books worth of words but balls; I should try holding on to cash at some point as the song goes if it doesn’t make dollars it makes no cents. “Will’s Having Some Balls”

Thursday, August 15, 2019
Log 045 ~Will’s Having Some Balls~
Come In Dirty Diana,
I AM a Millionaire right now and I ain’t saying she’s a gold digger. Not any of them from the cosplayer, to the coworker, or any other cuties. I had a revelation while I was sleeping. It was this afternoon, last night I dreamt all about the Blazkowicz sisters and the Nazis. I’m trying not to have any dirtier thoughts there. Anyway this afternoon I thought about why I’m always attracted to the broken. The bad stories still get me going as well. Not to mention bouncing asses; damn, I should have read my book today.
To this day, sites like “Street Blowjobs,” “Pure Taboo,” “Casting Couch HD, I could go on. The thing is the whole industry appears solely on a premise of brokenness. Now I know that’s not true always. What I mean is people need money. Pure Taboo tells great stories. I’m not ashamed to say I dream I could write like that Dirty Diana. Whitney Wright said a man needs a lot of money to get into the industry. There’s also moving, and of course, you’ve seen my plans. So perhaps my ability to see the broken is more a blessing than a curse. You know I hate showing my brokenness but how else to see it in others. Some dominants start from knowing submission. The “School of Bondage” is an example. From a broken home, a shattered kid breaks pretty girls.
It’s weird how everything in my world comes together. At the Day Job, the second song I listened to (started with Tillie Cole’s Playlist.) Yes, I’ll get back to her book but the second song I added was Venom Rap (We Are Venom). “I know you have anger. Now you need presence!” Dirty Diana if that doesn’t describe me some days. Please don’t make me out to be Trump, never properly explaining myself. Money is a presence. While I’m on the subject, I spoke to Alice Little yesterday. I’m not headed out Nevada way this September, and why is that? I’m broke, busted, and full of bullshit. She was kind about it, though she found other plans pretty fast. What about me, I had a year to make a million and where has it all gone? Boobs, Butts, but B is still my greatest love.
If only his best friend were better. I’ll find one day Will’s Having Some Balls.
I Will Have No Fear