Log 069 ~Will’s Got New Beef~

So I survived The Day, wasn’t the point not to be invisible, when it comes to my age I don’t mind so much, but still I should call Ruby Tuesday and them a piece of my mind and Arby’s says they have the meats. “Will’s Got New Beef”

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Log 069 ~Will’s Got New Beef~

To Will:
I AM a Millionaire right now; you should hope to say that next year. Keep the Positive Vibes that’s why you have temptations. These include Riley Reid, Talin Shields, Tegan Mohr. The amazing cosplayer Jessica Nigri and some Ecchi/Hentai in Zone-Tan. One more reason to love anime am I right? Let’s not go asking, “What’s My Age Again?” THE DAY is over, and you’re alive. Time is not on anybody’s side though. One more enemy to the list and I’m sorry I added a new one. For the record FUCK Ruby Tuesday (LANGUAGE).

Speaking of yesterday, I did help the environment by cutting up that pile of plastic rings. I also got rid of those containers of Dasani water. Yes, I sound like I want to make you a spokesman for certain corporations. Only you have decided not to go that route. If anything you want to damn The Day Job. You can say Wendy’s and Target are garbage because you don’t work there anymore. Don’t go putting things out into the universe though about your current position. I know you can’t help being fearful and confused about such a place. Let’s not forget about hate and worry? Again THE DAY and your “father” uttering those two STUPID words. In that case, Hulu, Regal, Team USA, the bank, and “lender” all suck. What about the beef with as always SIGH Six Impossible Things:

  1. I AM Keeping It In My Pants (Day 013 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
    Completed (Day 020 No Fap)
  2. I AM Always The “Father” B III Deserves
  3. I AM Publishing My Poetry “GULP”
  4. I AM Reviewing Raphael By Tillie Cole
  5. I AM Answering “M Anime” As I Answer “Indiana Gone” And “Cherry”
  6. I AM Finishing Beautiful Tears (Enemies To Lovers) C.P. Mandara
  1. I AM Keeping It In My Pants (Day 020 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
  2. I AM Always The “Father” B III Deserves
  3. I AM Publishing My Poetry “GULP”
  4. I AM Reviewing Raphael By Tillie Cole
  5. I AM Not Getting Fired From The Day Job Now
  6. I AM Finishing Unhinged By Nicole Cypher

Half the list again which is still a 50.5 F. What do I have about writing book reviews, even on excellent titles? While I was saving the planet, I should have registered my firstborn. It would have cost less than that small amount of steak, tiny potato and a few shrimp from Ruby Tuesday. Of course you should be working on the book instead of thinking of ways to get girls naked. Hell anything is better than dealing with The Day Job. Are you only feeling like Scrooge today when it comes to money? Would you rather be angry or sexed-up? How about Express Checkout like 1408 but you’re not suicidal? Still, you don’t need days like yesterday or like anytime at The Day Job. Stop thinking of the worse days of your life. Why not the very best Will?

Thing is you like beef and pretty flesh, and what does that get you, enemies? Too bad you don’t have Drogon, Will’s Got New Beef.

I Will Have No Fear

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