One foot in front of the other or let’s say burn rubber but not your soul: sometimes I wish I had a motorcycle, but this is coming from a man that never learned how to ride a kid’s bike and now road trip “To Trip Up Will.” Hm

Sunday, October 6, 2019
Log 097 ~To Trip Up Will~
To Will:
I AM a Billionaire right now, and you could use a private jet. At least you’re honest about things like this. Unlike those that preach their own Prosperity Gospel. One of the things that trip you up as a businessman, you don’t lie. How many times, did I mention Dennis Hof last week? Anyway, either he told the truth, or he said nothing.
First things first, you have to start getting ready for “Indiana Gone’s Wedding.” Here’s a confession, you’ve never taken a road trip before. What about this one to your Firstborn? He’s not coming along. Now, this will be the second time you’ve left him, and the first wasn’t voluntary. You don’t lie, and the reason you had to leave him was because of THEM. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Only yesterday, well today (Saturday), I was talking about the things that get me into trouble. One chat with those people, and everything was gone. You’re scared to death about going to this shindig. Still, Indiana Gone is like a sister to you and your Firstborn’s aunt or godmother. It’s an adventure, like Six Impossible Things:
- I AM Keeping It In My Pants (Day 041 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
Failed (Day 001 No Fap) - I AM Always The “Father” B III Deserves
Failed - I AM Publishing My Poetry “GULP”
Failed - I AM Reviewing Raphael By Tillie Cole
Failed - I AM Gaining One Patron Or One Model For Patreon
Failed - I AM Finishing Again, The Art of the Pimp: One Man’s Search for Love, Sex, and Money
Yes, sitting at one, but that’s not hard to say. What about this, my beef with Suicide Prevention. Long story short, grandma died, and my “father” said I was going to the funeral. You starved yourself for three days before seeking out help. The police show up. Well, what happened next SIGH. You’re spending two months and change at roach-infested InTown Suites (SHUDDERS). Hell if you didn’t want to die before and of course there’s more to that story. You learned a lot of lessons, but no, you weren’t born but somehow tripped into life.
I didn’t mean to be so depressing, but the point of all this is the starting line. Will this is the first trip you have chosen to take. Every other trip has been an accident of some kind. From the job, you fell into, to the work that some would see you hell-bound. How your Firstborn won’t allow you to fall ever. What about the 98%? You can’t trust your Olds, your managers, A&W, potential models, anyone else? No wonder you spend most of your life on your knees. For damn sure you’re of no service to god. Only Will, you got Six Impossible Things:
- I AM Keeping It In My Pants (Day 001 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
- I AM Always The “Father” B III Deserves
- I AM Publishing My Poetry “GULP”
- I AM Reviewing Raphael By Tillie Cole
- I AM Preparing For Indiana Gone’s Wedding
- I AM Finishing “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living”
You’ll have to run and drive. To Trip Up Will
I Will Have No Fear