I’m a fan of hundreds and hugs from pretty girls but not so much hunting and especially humming but somethings you learn to live without or live with and so as Elsa put it, here I stand, and here I stay. Will And His Hum

Sunday, February 02, 2020
Log 216 ~Will And His Hum~
To Will:
I AM a Billionaire right now, but you would probably spend it all on a soundproof room. Of course, I’m not only saying that because it’s Super Bowl Sunday. As always, here is your reminder that today is Friday. Yes, I continue to travel through time, and perhaps you will as well. I’ll tell you, yesterday I was all but ready to kill myself trying to destroy this humming. There’s always a worse sound, my friend, something to remember. I scrounged up what little courage I could find, and then I listened for but a moment to something.
$180.00, I still recall when I thought that $200.00 would solve everything. All this morning, I was going over the books, $1,500.00 to my Olds, $220 for the Alamo Fund, and other investments. Anyway, so the people say $180.00 for them to stop and listen, no thanks. What about skeevy? Yeah, that is something I’ll never forget as I’m sure you won’t. Here we are, in year three, and I can’t let go of my hate. What evil men “will” into existence? Not to get political, but by the time you see this again, Trump will be a free man. One more reason the hum should count as a blessing. I’m sure plenty of crazy people will be shooting in their celebrations. While we’re talking about guns, what about Far Cry 5? I missed playing two days because I was hunting the hum but not those SIGH Six Impossible Things:
- I AM Keeping It In My Pants (Day 001 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
Failed (Day 002 No Fap) - I AM Always The “Father” My Dæmon Deserves
Failed - I AM Publishing My Poetry “GULP”
Failed - I AM Reviewing Raphael By Tillie Cole
Failed - I AM Getting My Second Car Fixed
Failed - I AM Finishing A Naughty Little Christmas by Lili Valente
I’m sure this has become your hum, the endless drones of 0’s passing by day by day. I wonder, will you be the one to turn the tide. Today there was the sound of me trying to keep the kitchen clean, making my bed. I do apologize that come Sunday you’ll still be hobbling along because of what I did to your big toe. You’re a survivor, though, so is your Dæmon. Breathe in, breathe out as your motivations would say. For the love of everything, though, will you stop talking to Cherry in a “certain” way? No more dreaming about “Specs,” either. You also have $200, but no girl is going to put up with this humming since you won’t pay that, $180.00 hearing. Time for Six Impossible Things.
- I AM Keeping It In My Pants (Day 002 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
- I AM Always The “Father” My Dæmon Deserves
- I AM Publishing My Poetry “GULP”
- I AM Reviewing Raphael By Tillie Cole
- I AM Getting My Second Car Fixed
- I AM Finishing A Naughty Little Christmas by Lili Valente
I’m sure you’ll break again over the humming, but today it’s almost like fuel. Escape it, Will And His Hum.
I Will Have No Fear