Love is in a constant state of evolution, the guy left breathless, and the he stutters, then he won’t stop talking; the body too but much like the word love there is a part of anatomy that remains constant when we like someone. A Whole New Hard

See Me Here:
It gets harder still
And Atlas asks… is it carrying the world?
I just want to talk to you pretty girl
Without the pillar of Heaven
But you know that you are… hot as Hell; then again
how you make me melt
Yet to love me like you do, would make me someone else
For the clear path, my straight and narrow gaffe
Is the way to something I cannot have?
It gets harder still
Copyright © 2015 Second Circle Creations, Will A. Bradford Jr. All rights reserved.
Inspired By: Kaori Maejima… Shusaku, Brother Love “Summertime”, Lenny Kravitz “Again” and Ellie Goulding “Love Me Like You Do” Fifty Shades of Grey Soundtrack