Episode 129 ~The List Will Tell~

Over ten thousand words so far and dare I say even more fantasies or am I giving myself far too much credit because I say yes to everything and that is quite the bad habit; maybe I should list that, but instead it’s insanity. The List Will Tell.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Episode 129 ~The List Will Tell~

Forgive Me Echo,
How To Make One Million Dollars, say things people want to hear, say yes, and sadly in my everyday life I have become a yes man, day job okay, going to vote… noted I would have gone anyway but I had to show proof; FEAR, of course, is always yes. How about NaNoWriMo, honestly it’s only been seven days, and I’m already sick of it, I could probably take it easy if it wasn’t for the day job but again yes to my RESEARCH, yes to being a pervert, yes to a future I won’t believe ever.

Now that’s my second sin; the first is all the times I say yes and I’m sure I’ve written about saying NO, if anything that would be better than what I’m producing right now, hell I forgot about that story I sent in and of course I didn’t win. According to my motivations, your purpose is the thing that you would do for free and hell yeah I’m doing it for free now, though I feel I could use some new pants. My third sin this week, I’m barely hanging in there when it comes to No Nut November or whatever they’re calling it, which leads me to my fourth sin, staying off the Internet.

Perhaps my greatest sin this week is my RESEARCH, I made a whole list of reasons why I should go to jail; somebody asked me what my dream was and I told them it was becoming two specific guys. Both of them better men than me for so many reasons but I’m also greedy; the Coven I created in my novel has thirteen members, and the thirteen classes of girls, and probably more twists and turns and curves, cue *Homer Drooling*. I think missing all of my sleep is my penance for all my crimes this week, but it’s never enough Inspector Echo I know that to be true, even in fiction though I’m letting something quite evil Get Free.


Do you want to see it; some names are changed or not exactly mentioned because I’m not that crazy, well not yet anyway though my story would beg to differ which is the whole point, NaNoWriMo and the day job. So Inspector Echo will you forgive me of my sins, the constant stream of yes, for once again living for a future I don’t believe in, for having far too many reasons to give into the little head, for the constant wasting of time online and the girls that made this… The List Will Tell.

1 – 3. European Photoshoots 6. The Walking Dead 10. Amateur Redheads
4. Girl From Pinterest 7 – 8. Vault Girls 11. Model Redheads
5. A Horror Movie 9. Virgin Roster 12. Rhode Island
13. A MILF

I Will Have No Fear

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