There is beauty in defiance, that’s from a movie I saw, and if that is the case, the fact that I refuse to die would make me a sexy or less sick, just because a burger looks good, screw Macdonald’s but anyway. “Beauty Doesn’t Always Equal Good.”
Monday, April 29, 2019
Episode 302 ~Beauty Doesn’t Always Equal Good~
Eighty-Second Rule Madam Justice
I AM a Millionaire right now because yesterday was Game Of Thrones and not The Walking Dead. Although if you want to war and rampage then show me TWD 9×15 The Calm Before. “Indiana Gone” can tell you about my rant that night. Now allow me to break a new Internet rule and say I’ve never watched one episode of GOT. All my info comes second hand from reviewers. Plus a raging boner for the lovely Maisie Williams, Arya Stark.
I’m not knocking her; put her in my novel “orgy scene.” Only today’s rule goes to show that the most beautiful people or things can lead to our downfall. Still, she’s a hero, or so Youtube has informed, and I’m super jealous of a guy named Gendry. I know positive vibes. What about Sansa or Daenerys? I read somewhere love’s a fire, it can warm you or burn your house down you can’t tell. But, speaking of houses. My condolences for Lyanna Mormont The Lady Of Bear Island and her house. Why can’t more women be like Cersei Lannister? Never my cup of tea and you can tell she’s trouble. Delivers a kickass line about a whore and a queen and she plays the former. I want a queen Madam Justice you know that. Besides, as Sticky Fingaz put it “I love the hoes” and any woman can be both.
The same is often revealing of men; for example, the words I once wrote for the worse men. I watched angels fall into their beds. The same thoughts netted me nothing, and will we talk about the truth. There’s a reason Madam Justice talking to you and the other girls. These are long conversations. You’re not Inspector Echo, and I’ve told this story before. Still, you know Court Carmody, wanted to see her naked and all. What made me become a Patron of hers was her telling her horror story of rape and abuse. Same with Angie Varona and her drama. What about MILF Dos, Momokun, etc. Is it their beauty that entices me or women who clean up pretty nice. Then I make them as beautiful angels. If they can walk through the fire, survive the long night and know of TREACHERY. Facial “defects” like mine, my desires, what drives me should not bring about any fear Madam Justice.
Money though can make anyone beautiful that’s the truth. So Beauty Doesn’t Always Equal Good.
I Will Have No Fear