How much for a day off; it’s a price I don’t mind paying again and again and hell can I call this a vacation, got my modeling page up and running and one more ad, when is the profit I ask? “Ad It Up Will.”
Friday, September 20, 2019
Log 081 ~Ad It Up Will~
Hey Lady Sophia,
I AM a Millionaire right now, at least in word form. Now maybe I’ve been too deep into my motivations lately. Of course, this happens at the Day Job between my Show Me The Money and Tell Me Something Good playlist. If you asked me WHY I do what I do, I have my furry firstborn lying here. It’s not jealousy or envy that I see MILF Dos going into business. Hell Lady Sophia, how many cosplayers do I follow nowadays? I still remember sending “The Rainbow Girl” a Pokémon and getting blocked. Again, I send Morgan a cash offer and remain among one of many followers.
So why am I so fearful over a craigslist ad? Yesterday I talked about heroes, gurus, and idols. Not to sound like A&W and his current wrestling craze “Iconic.” Let’s say I can have better stalkers not that I’m accusing him. Who do you think I am, “The Basic Bitch” (LANGUAGE)? What I’m saying is, in print, you have to stand up for yourself. If you are a jester, you appreciate the heckle. A business learns to roll with the punches. You know I’ll rep The Red Lantern, Tillie Cole writes incredible books, MILF Dos is a goddess but so is Morgan. 5-hour ENERGY can go to Hell because of my headaches. Walmart employees still laughed at me. Regal Cinemas was a humiliation too. I don’t trust Pizza Hut or McDonald’s but what’s in my fridge, what was for lunch?
My writing that’s what love is to me as always. Yes, I’m still coming up with freaky, creepy, skeevy ass names on Pinterest as always. What about Le Marquis De Sade, another infamous author? I’ve talked some about Todd Michaels “Begging For It” and S Wolf “Sex Zombies.” How about Vladimir Nabokov’s “Lolita” novel? Marquis De Sade though he inspired the term Sadism. All my heroes were notorious in some way. They wrote stories, produced films, ran brothels, or modeling agencies. So here I am wrestling with myself over a Craigslist ad. One guy already called me pathetic. “Indiana Gone” wasn’t creeped out. I can’t talk about these things at the Day Job, of course. How famous do I think I am? The question is how famous do I want to be; how wealthy and that I’ll leave to Tony:
So what’s the price Lady Sophia, Ad It Up Will.
I Will Have No Fear