With all this writing on the brain, I didn’t have time to mention two of my greatest fears this morning; one more thing to be grateful for, but I’ll see how I feel around 10:00 AM only then I should find myself lost to my words. “Writing To The Will”

Friday, November 1, 2019
Log 123 ~Writing To The Will~
Hey Lady Sophia,
I AM a Billionaire right now, and still, I say to you, Happy NaNoWriMo. If I had all the money in the world, my writing isn’t going anywhere. Yes, I heard what I said, and with the chance of sounding like Trump, you know what I mean. I’m like Finn from Great Expectations, that’s the 1998 movie for those paying attention. Do you know how long I gave up writing only to come back to it? Well, this morning an hour late but Eric Thomas wakes up at 3:00 AM. My motivations say to wake up at 4:00 AM and to start the day with gratitude so.
I’m grateful that I haven’t awoken to an Ant Invasion. You know me far too well, Lady Sophia, the BUT is that it hasn’t been twenty-four hours even. In the kitchen, there’s already a box of ant killers, and I ordered more. Now that leads me to more gratitude as in Chinese food delivery and Walmart shopping. Okay, but I’m spending even more money because I don’t want to get it myself ever. I already told you it’s NaNoWriMo season, so why am I looking at a copy of Fallout 4? Today I’m expecting Far Cry 5, and you know I get Motion Sickness. Speaking of sickness, I’m thankful for non-recurring payments. Teen Starlet cut off my access, yay. Of course, they did that while I was in the process of downloading one more girl. Fifty-Nine in total, so I got most of who I wanted, so plenty of inspiration.
So like those witches, I started to talk about, but that was in another novel. What about the one I should be writing after our conversation. Whenever I decide to leave temptation, hell, I could have gotten a lot more sleep. Strangely that’s what this story might be saying. Only a little less sleep and a lot more Chronomentrophobia. Why is everyone I write about so much smarter, stricter, and even sexually adept? Am I trying to tell myself something? I say that about my dreams all the time, and last night it was about a marriage. Indiana Gone was also in it and a bag of Mesquite Barbecue Chips. Her faith and all the junk food I’m going to need to get this done. How about characters, protagonist, doctor, love interest, someone else, etc.
SIGH, Writing To The Will.
I Will Have No Fear