A cure maybe, or a way to find relief, other than filling my head with numbers, how many times I checked the door, or people stay quiet, a method of forgetting and not having to worry about so much. Only Can Discover healthy.
Oh did I forget to lock the door
or should I try once more, I swore
only to turn around, before
conceivable the dog runs out of water
catching myself but what I said to somebody’s daughter
catastrophic humiliation, why I oughta
delay going in if people saw it, read it, and
decided… it doesn’t matter, I think I can, I think I can
do it, get up and go, man
oops, how many times, five, four, three,
can I ever be free of this disease?
Don’t know but count on my being O.C.D.
Copyright © 2017, Will A. Bradford Jr. All rights reserved.