I did not mean to go so dark but when you go from thief to slave, to joke, and the nothingness begins to regain an appeal, but I’m feeling that hole with cash because money makes me Happy, bury me with it, Thought I Saw Will.

Sunday, May 5, 2019
Episode 308 ~Thought I Saw Will~
To Will:
I AM a Millionaire right now, and so are you. So you need not be a thief but lo and behold out of the mouths of babes. Some little boy takes one look at you and says you’re robbing the store. Some adults are like that too. Do you remember 1998 when McWane Science Center opened? Now you’ve heard worse and even more so Will. Okay I know you’re keeping up the positive vibes “Easy Street” and all that. Your motivations teach that you must let the past go but always remember where you came from so ahem…
You see the trick is you’ve never known such places. The BITCH (Language) had you hiding out in her garbage because you were skeevy. The Rainbow Girl, hell, not a clue there. The Harmonic War, well. Your “father” might have done you a service, telling you. Indeed showing you that you were nothing, less than that. I’ve said it so many times before; you don’t look in mirrors; only when you get caught? You’re horrified by what you see. So you write, you make money, you do anything and everything to avoid knowing who you are. Your every meme becomes a battle, every idea the definition of thought crime. Words dismissed like Six Impossible Things:
- I Will Keep It In My Pants (Day 026 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
Completed (Day 033 No Fap) - I Will Be The “Father” My Dog Deserves
Failed - I Will Name My Novel And Write A Back Cover Of It
Failed - I Will Review Crave (Addicted To You #1) K.M. Scott
Failed - I Will Enter The Mythic March Short Story Contest
Failed (Missed The Deadline, Can’t Do) - I Will Finish Reading The Five by Lily White
Today you were listening to Brainbuddy, and it said to visualize your enemy. Wow, that’s too damn easy. Again look in the mirror, and you see who you are trying to beat. Who you have to destroy, the man you never want to see again. These days you see a man whose pockets are so fat that he can have everything. Pay off the dentist to fix him. Be the number one fan of cosplayers. Have that fantasy at the Peppermill Resort in Reno. If I say it enough and believe that. I’ll be that author, pimp, hotel owner, The Director and it all starts with these Six Impossible Things:
- I Will Keep It In My Pants (Day 033 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
- I Will Be The “Father” My Dog Deserves
- I Will Name My Novel And Write A Back Cover Of It
- I Will Review Crave (Addicted To You #1) K.M. Scott
- I Will Get Out Of Home & Kid Shifts
- I Will Finish Reading The Five by Lily White
I saw you though Hugh Hefner, Dennis Hof, Jimmy Stephans. Some guys over in Europe, I’m better off not naming. Todd Michaels, S. Wolf, and still I ask the question, erase everything you could dream of and who are you, Will. It always boils down to that one moment in your senior year of high school, a minute, less. That would explain plenty, focusing less on money but that moment I Thought I Saw Will.
I Will Have No Fear