One of my motivations talks about Becoming The Hero Of Your Own Story and to this day I still hear my mother saying, God is in control, or I could have imagined that like her reading to me or singing Simple Man. Willing A Bad Story

Friday, May 10, 2019
Episode 313 ~Willing A Bad Story~
Hey Lady Sophia,
I AM a Millionaire right now, and a damn good writer. Then again is there such a thing as a bad story? Lord of the Flies by William Golding, I heard it’s a classic, but I could never read it. How about Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov, the word still creeps me out saying. Not to mention the story was longwinded and let’s say I was expecting something, different. Okay before you go calling the cops for my studies in DDLG, I tried reading the Bible too. Even got through a few books.
I’m not looking up the last book I crapped on. Still last night I was telling Dirty Diana about my “Red Dawn” fantasy. Decided to pass it on to the redheads over in Carson City, Nevada. Didn’t take long for one to say no flat-out. Speaking of beauties with red hair looks like I’ll be saving ten bucks on Patreon. The cosplayer is quitting. Of course, while I know this has nothing to do with me, I’m a selfish S.O.B. I have come up with a myriad of reasons this is my fault. So don’t want to attempt emailing the other girl in Nevada, scared to press MILF Dos. Busy complaining to “Indiana Gone.” My words have power Lady Sophia.
If I upset you don’t stress, never forget
That God isn’t finished with me yet
I feel his hand on my brain
When I write rhymes I go blind and let the Lord do his thang
~Ghetto Gospel Tupac Shakur~
Now imagine being hit with that kind of power bearing down for years “What’s My Age Again?” So like Peter Banning, you can imagine why I find it challenging to think happy thoughts. Let alone write any. There’s my “Dad,” the day job, and destruction. If anything I can write about desire and of course that centers on my dick (Language?). I read Dennis Hof’s book. I also look into novels of women being “dugout.” Well, not today because I was out cold. Don’t I usually write about my day? Only again the day job is nothing I want to remember. There is also a box of melted ice cream; some fucked up nonfiction (STOP}. Sigh the end of an era with the closing of one of my favorite restaurants.
I remember what Jessica Rabbit would say about her being “drawn.” Now could you only fathom her creator’s thoughts? If you want my own, you need only look up a Songbird’s Shame by Studio F.O.W. I’m not a bad writer. I don’t know how I got here. Only the story Lady Sophia the show goes on Willing A Bad Story.

I Will Have No Fear