Can’t decide or a healthy adult male, if I had Christian Grey money or one of the many billionaires I read about, most girls would call me Mr. Right and Dr. Feelgood. Now I’m the cure to things people won’t do, and B III can’t do. Get Will Soon Card.
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Episode 314 ~Get Will Soon Card~
Hey Lady Lu,
I AM a Millionaire right now, or I should be. The reason is that my shift at work still has people fighting to take it (Positive Vibes). Though even if I were sick, I don’t think I’ve ever received a Get Well card. Don’t get me wrong Lady Lu; I’m grateful. I’ve never spent twenty-four hours in a hospital, and B III is going to live forever. I’m calling it now; my son knows how to live.
However, like most he has the Get Will Soon Card, never leave “home” without it literally. If he wants to go for his walk I’m taking him, anywhere else (the pet shop/vet visits) we’re together. What about the day job? I get calls all the time, and again I’m thankful for the usual hours. Next week I’ll have more than enough to make up for Norton, but we’ll get back to them in a moment. I think the UNIVERSE is conspiring to save me money. I’ve filled you in on The Cosplayer quitting. What about my ice cream melting while I waited for food from one of my favorite restaurants. Closing for good, owners retiring.
In all fairness, I don’t write or send Get “Well” Soon Cards myself. Only the receipt I got for new boots because for damn sure I needed them. Falling apart, smell making me sick, my poor feet but I was too greedy to want to buy more. That’s until just yesterday. Speaking of greedy, Norton tried to make me feel better. So they sent me a $25 Amazon card. I promise not to spend it on a girl wanting to see her boobies. Where was I a minute ago? Yeah as far as boobs are concerned; while one redhead said no, the other is all in. So now I have to get to work, you know I don’t like letting pretty girls down, and in four months I want seven figures, so here I am.
From the bed to the table. All on the grounds of getting to a bigger bed and much softer pillows if you know what I mean. So I can experiment with my “Red Dawn” fantasy. The name isn’t original, but neither is “Girls That (William Fell…) For” Winterfell ha. Sigh my latest novel doesn’t even have a name for now.
Grateful and sick of this life, Get Will Soon Card.
I Will Have No Fear