Fire burns and you need more to keep it going, more trends, beauty, and hours in the day and still I waste so many already and am I getting any closer to what is fact, my final state of happiness maybe. Fire Those Evolving Desire.

Sunday, June 3, 2018
Lesson 337 ~Fire Those Evolving Desire~
To Will:
Can You Love Me Again, that little boy that thought Two Hundred dollars would fix everything and now you have more than you could have dreamed of and I know you’re not happy? Evolution, yeah you can’t put all of this on the brain, considering last night, you feel such disappointment, a second wet dream in eighty-five days of “No FAP” at least this time you remember the vision; if people only knew.
Speaking of what set you off and what people know, while this may be more of a conversation for “Dirty Diana” I was sure it would have been someone from “Detroit: Become Human” either Chloe, Kara, or North but no, however choking was involved… not penis wise otherwise, reset the clock. Your writing is going slower but progressing, finding out you want something definitely helps a bit but so many responsibilities, help the girl, make more money, write which is what you want to do and who knows. It always starts with a goal but that success is becoming like your fad, once upon a time it was “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” TMNT, mom killed that one but what about those six impossible things hmm:
1. I Will Keep It In My Pants (Day 78* No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
Completed? (Day 85** No Fap) Two Wet Dreams In 85 Days
2. I Will Be The Friend My Dog Deserves
3. I Will Edit Five Chapters At Least Of My Novel
Failed, Two Edited
4. I Will Complete Whispers In The Dark
5. I Will Post A Review For “The Maiden” by Celia Aaron
6. I Will Edit One Hundred Poems (Book)
Failed, 47 Poems
As much as you contradict yourself, some things won’t know denial, for example, “Chloe” but I ended up dreaming about Maggie from “The Walking Dead because brunettes can’t be denied and once upon a time it was Asian girls. You want friends, but those people are stopping you from working, you even had to cut the phone off today; you want to listen, but you want to rest, you want to fight, but you shy away from conflict. Desire is desire, but you should pick one; tried that after “The Hunger Games” came out, then there was “Divergent,” “Article 5,” “The 5th Wave,” “Beyond Series,” “Fever Series,” six impossible things:
1. I Will Keep It In My Pants (Day 85** No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
2. I Will Be The Friend My Dog Deserves
3. I Will Edit Five Chapters At Least Of My Novel
4. I Will Complete 50% Of The Prophet By Celia Aaron
5. I Will Post A Review For “The Maiden” By Celia Aaron
6. I Will Edit One Hundred Poems “The Bedroom Soapbox”
If anything, it’s excellent to want a world where nothing is beyond desire, and I say that because I will have it all one day, symbolic rapper logic, idolizing Scarface and all but should you focus more on what you don’t want maybe. You know that you don’t wish for the day job forever that’s for damn sure, you don’t want to stick to a schedule and have the luxury to enjoy life, reading is good but even if you got a PS4, Detroit Become Human, when would you play?
You can’t afford to go burning money, not anymore, and with less than a month to go on this blog seriously Fire Those Evolving Desire.
I Will Have No Fear