Log 118 ~Will, You’ve Eight Enough~

One weekend it was so many miles, and this weekend it was so many downloads, and I was only hoping for eight hours of sleep, and when I got that well, it still wasn’t enough; I’m so greedy. Will, You’ve Eight Enough

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Log 118 ~Will, You’ve Eight Enough~

To Will:
I AM a Billionaire right now, but as always, you want more. Today’s first question has to be, why wasn’t eight hours enough. Be honest, at least seven, Cherry is a pretty girl, and that’s that. Speaking of beautiful girls how about this weekend’s current project? Twenty-One girls so far, and that’s not even close to the whole archive. There’s another collection, what about NaNoWriMo, novels, and t-shirts. Yeah, you’re still angry about losing that t-shirt while traveling.

I would say you should sleep on it but eight hours? You have to take better care of yourself, especially to make it through NaNoWriMo. Hell, I had two days, and I couldn’t carve a path through all those emails. What about reading? Dale Carnegie is pretty damn wise (LANGUAGE), but are you? If anything, you’re tired, tense, and tempted. Can’t you say you’re only sick like you’re Firstborn, this weather? You won’t even turn on the heat because you fear another ant invasion and with how you’ve been working lately? Did you forget about Indiana Gone’s wedding gift and birthday present? How about you stop trying to get Cherry to take her clothes off? There’s also the idea of attempting to entice MILF Dos. Your head’s not full of rocks but coins and what about the little head in keeping with Six Impossible Things:

  1. I AM Keeping It In My Pants (Day 002 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
    Completed (Day 009 No Fap)
  2. I AM Always The “Father” My Firstborn Deserves
  3. I AM Publishing My Poetry “GULP”
  4. I AM Reviewing Raphael By Tillie Cole
  5. I AM Reducing My Inbox To Zero
  6. I AM Finishing “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living”

What does it take to be #1, trust me it’s not looking at porn all day? Dennis Hof had brothels full of ladies, this weekend you have a file. Oh, should we talk about data? Any day now, you’re expecting another email from Norton? What about work having to sign up for HEALTH benefits. Now living this way, no doubt, is pretty brutal, and let’s not talk about any medical problems. Okay, this is the third time you’re mentioning Cherry, but if she isn’t effecting one head, it’s the other. You can’t go into work and talk because you know where that will lead you? Accept the inevitable, how close are you to that principle. Why not try gratitude? You’re not hungry you’re only tired? Every moment when your hands aren’t elsewhere, SIGH. You’re getting things done, Six Impossible Things:

  1. I AM Keeping It In My Pants (Day 009 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
  2. I AM Always The “Father” My Firstborn Deserves
  3. I AM Publishing My Poetry “GULP”
  4. I AM Reviewing Raphael By Tillie Cole
  5. I AM Reducing My Inbox To Zero
  6. I AM Finishing “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living”

It’s somewhat like rehab, and you know people who have survived that so another week maybe? You don’t have that kind of time now. Fifty thousand words, I hope you enjoyed; Will, You’ve Eight Enough.

I Will Have No Fear

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