“Let no man forget how menacing we are, we are lions!” Troy – and people now hunt them for sport, taking away that roar and not just what was once thought the fiercest of the beast. “ROAR Excuses”, what are my reasons to not speak
He roared and lost his jungle
reminding me, what’s mine no more
So I grunt and I grumble
They oinked and mooed
but this is what I came for
How was it all I knew
as it rustled and was cut down
Am I not moved to my core
And I wore a frown
only for her to speak without a clue,
really… no, my smile found its way to the floor
“Skeevy, inappropriate, stupid, that’s you”
Then my cries became mumbles
My eyes they did tumble
Maybe I just needed food
After, my tongue shall not be moved
No one wanted me around,
unless I pretended to be a clown
a mine not enjoying the view
Yet there was nothing I could do
with the voice, I had before
as the lion can no longer teach me how to ROAR
Copyright © 2017, Will A. Bradford Jr. All rights reserved.