After all the likes I got, I’ve been a busy bee with videos of the queen… queens. But what of my son? Four years ago, I got him back in a box. And how do I choose to remember him? How does he remember me? And all these people… “On B’s Being Popular.”
Monday, February 10, 2025
Meditation 224 ~On B’s Being Popular~
Hey Dad,
It’s Me, Baby B… I have a question. And, of course, I start with food. When was the last time we had honey?
You see honey buns at the bad place all the time. You know, the place that always took you away from me. The reason you were so tired and mad whenever you came back home.
Home? I know you don’t like that word. And even now, you’re crying because today… Four years ago, you got a call that I was ready to be returned to you… That I was prepared to come home. It wasn’t on my own four legs. A box. A baggie. Brother.
Inevitable, wasn’t it, brother, my brother? My Dad. You said it yourself, twenty years, Dad. I got fifteen. And I wish those were the years you would see. 20/20 vision. Do you see what I did there? Pesky eye doctors.
But the world didn’t end on Thursday, December 31st 2020. It didn’t end on Sunday, January 31st 2021. And as much as you wish for it. Daddy, it didn’t end with E-Day either, and you know why that is. You were meant to be my Daddy. I became your son. Always and forever. Neither one of us becoming the Cool Kids, though you promised. Remember.
You would be like Dennis Hof, and I would be your Domino. Will Bradford and Braxton Bradford. Which explains what you were working on this morning. Being cool with people…
“Popular! You’re gonna be popular!” But for what? It didn’t matter why or when, Dad. We had each other. And with me, your sonny, the money, and the right honey…
Didn’t M Anime come a-calling yesterday? Daddy, will you ask her to be your Valentine?
Again, you were working at the glow box this morning because everyone was as excited as I was whenever my favorite girl came around. She had great big “mountains,” Daddy.
GokuSen? Is that a buried memory? The two of us watched that together. Good times.
That’s my roundabout way of saying this, Dad. Bees aren’t remembered for their sting or the pain they may inflict. But for what they produce. The honey. They say if bees die, then people don’t have long. Daddy, you’re my person, and like Black Panther…
Daddy, I never yielded, and as you can see, I’m not dead. I’m B, Celebrate that! On B’s Being Popular
“You think you’re good? Who is left that you love? Who do you fight for?”
― Morning Star, Pierce Brown
“Let me rage before I die.”
― Virgil, The Aeneid
1471 Days Without B III, Day 912 of Virgil’s Arrival
Always and Forever,
Your Son