I hate my day job so I’m always ready to run out of there but I love my writing, and that’s why I’m sitting here at, what time is it; and of course I wouldn’t leave the right woman, won’t go getting tired of her. “But Will I Love”

Tuesday, April 2, 2019
Episode 275 ~But Will I Love~
Dear Future Wife,
How To Make One Million Dollars, well movie seats are getting comfier. I can’t say that buying furniture is my forte. One day I should give it a chance. I’m always tired, and B III has a bunch of cozy spots. I’d make falling in love easier.
“THEY,” say it took everything for Malcolm X to kneel before Allah. My backside still hurts from being knocked to my knees before the altar. (Why I don’t believe in spanking children; another story). The fear though. I was scared I would hurt Triple B being on his level. I was terrified that I wasn’t enough when I got down on one knee for you. For now, with our other kids, I know I don’t have all the answers. Scraped knees, falling ice cream cones. You know how I am cleaning. Still, while I want to be the dad that reads to them every night, I again worry. You know maybe this is why Santa only does it once a year, getting the big plush chair. His suit made for more than warmth. You know I hope you’re sitting down for this one. The truth is simple and like most truths offensive. LOVE IS EXHAUSTING.
Is that a mean thing to say? I don’t love my Day Job that’s why it sucks having to take breaks. I was ready to yell at my boss, so I wasn’t “having a seat.” I hate that sound of my knees cracking as I’ve been there so long. Love is when I kneel to pet B III. When I hold him in bed as he cries because I don’t know what else to do. Every refilled dish, rubbing his belly, playing the monster when he wrestles with his toys. Again being the father who knows someday the kids won’t need me to read to them. How about being told to sit in waiting rooms for a variety of reasons. Don’t let the kids be like me. Trips to Disney and Universal, did I tell you I hate Space Mountain?
Standing beside you was simple. In comparison looking back how lazy was I when you brought our kids into the world. Such is the strength and courage it took to hold them. There are some jobs, privileges, and honors a person can’t fail. To be weak, to not be perfect. I hold no delusions about myself, but I still cleaned for hours. I don’t want to be sick. I have my real work, my reading, and writing. It’s incredible you read as much as me. Saturday’s we still lie here listening to “Nuclear Pop.” As if I’m living in those days of “The Cold War.” I have to shut myself away from you and the kids in my; not Man Cave. I will forever be a traditionalist, my Study. What did I say; furniture shopping?
What is it “THEY” say about good deeds? I Love You; kids can be a pain in the behind. One kid has fangs. You needn’t ask But Will I Love?
I Will Have No Fear