Well, I leaped today, or stepped in getting myself published for real, once and all, and will this one story be my happily ever after, I believe it will get me to Nevada (Happy Thoughts) it’s only a hundred poems. “How Will Tale’s It.”

Tuesday, June 4, 2019
Episode 338 ~How Will Tale’s It~
Dear Future Wife,
I AM a Millionaire right now. Matter of fact I’m approaching billionaire status because there are so many books I want to buy. As always I’m one for tradition. Though my parents never read to me as a child, it’s something that dads do. I’m not one for the classic fairytales. Ask me how our daughters Katniss, Tris, and Ember got their names, and I’ll point out the authors. If we have another daughter Daenerys, isn’t out of the question, right ha.
Anyway, I’m wondering why it took me so long to find you baby girl. First I think of all those knights of old. How did they ever know the damsel was in distress ever. Men can never reach for Heaven. How about Happily Ever After right? It’s never told or done sloppily. Was I blind, like Daenerys? All I ever saw was the Iron Throne. Even now, with all the love, I have for you. I want you by my side. I could never turn my back on all I desire, my wife, my children, but they say Caesar was ambitious. Now I can’t underestimate fear. For a damsel, you are. Still, distress? I mean you’re hot as Hell, but that’s for more than your looks, or where I’m going. You made me bend the knee. B III is as fierce as Drogon, and you won him. Only you still terrify me, three little words.
I Love You. I don’t think those words are in the fairytales. Now I could be wrong, and I know Peeta asked it of Katniss “Real Or Not Real.” I’ll read our kids; The Hunger Games one day. Is it too soon for Star Wars Little Golden Books? Here and Now I promise I’ll never go crazy with the How I Met Your Mother routine. One more story I should write down before we’re old and gray. The last time I wrote a novel with a woman was with my “adopted” big sister. Still, the question remains. Because while I can say you’re more than a woman to me, princess, queen, angel, goddess. You know that’s it, there were no words for you. I said before; when I first began writing, it was my name. So I gave my last one to you, My Love.
Tale as old as time right, but with my words, strange How Will Tale’s It.
I Will Have No Fear