Point A to point B, but in some ways, the point of it all is to stand your ground no matter what, and so I did but why, how about asking why I play “Far Cry 5” an hour every day or what’s with my writing. What Was The Point There?

Monday, January 6, 2020
Log 189 ~What Was The Point There~
Hundred And Eighteenth Rule
Madam Justice,
I AM a Billionaire right now, but what’s it all for, you ask. The short answer, quoting Limp Bizkit “Nookie,” how about “Girls, Girls, Girls,” or she got me “So Hott.” The long story would be well “Be Not So Fearful.” FEAR is a big word. Now, of course, I could say “Everybody Wants To Rule The World,” “If I Had $1,000,000,” and “Power.” Notice POWER is bigger than FEAR. Also, the fact that my Wi-Fi is playing games today, so the music is sporadic. On the positive side, I had to get-up.
Eric Thomas says to fall on your back; if you look up, you can get up. Why did I start listening to these motivations? Let’s stick with the question of what was the point. It happened by accident, the Nuffsed Intro. Even Spotify noticed I needed the boost. I’m sticking to my promise, my Will, but yes, the fact that I stood up against LP a few days ago. I did that because I refuse to have another person look down on me, again I’m looking up. I can’t ever be anything less than myself and what do I say every single day, I AM a Billionaire. That explains why I have a few girls chasing me now, Madam Justice. Why this morning, I was once again looking up, travel fares, and a hotel and casino resort. If it works for Alice Little well? Still, as Eric Thomas says, no jealousy, no envy but I’m sicker, faster, bigger, badder, no doubt.
Why, because this morning the fact is I can do my job, but I hate the people there. I do believe in the law of attraction, so as always avoiding the negative, I want a position where I don’t hate, fear, or mourn. I want POWER is beyond my reach. Let’s say “BBB” but also bullion, biology, etc. What about what I said to you know who the other day. She’s just a friend, but the old me wouldn’t have dared. New Year, I will be bold, brave, a bad boy for life, or who knows a good man. Funny no internet and suddenly let the pop culture references fly free. Last week was to show that I can and will endure. Whatever happens, I need only this question. Everything I do is towards my desire for Power, so What Was The Point There.
I Will Have No Fear