Just when I think I see the ground I realize I have a bungee cord around my ankles or I’m the extreme wallflower hanging off the side of the cliff… I think I’m safe. Neo Falling… she has me falling all over again and I don’t remember the ground.

See Me Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IJU73jbgrk
And while I’m falling down
Like Neo, I try to realize the truth
How was I high enough?
Did I fly, did I climb, did I dream somehow
That you would love me like you do
As if the stars were only there because…
I needed the gods to help me out
with all these things that I’ve done; who
else could I be thinking of
Tell me but then again, not now
Maybe when the stars go blue
When I’m not afraid of my crush
on you or hitting the ground
with three little words, less powerful… “I like you”
But I’m high enough, to fall in love
Copyright © 2015 Second Circle Creations, Will A. Bradford Jr. All rights reserved.
Inspired By: Babydoll a.k.a. Emily Browning… Sucker Punch, The Matrix (1999), Ellie Goulding “Love Me Like You Do” Fifty Shades of Grey Soundtrack, The Killers “All These Things That I’ve Done”, Johnny Jewel Ft. Saoirse Ronan “Tell Me”, Lenny Kravitz “Again”, The Corrs ft. Bono “When The Stars Go Blue”, LL Cool J ft Boyz II Men “Hey Lover”, and Major Lazer ft. Ellie Goulding and Tarrus Riley “Powerful”