It’s why I’m still breathing… because she is so far away right now but am I running towards her or away from her; no clue. The Distance to You… seems to answer the question but I’m not sure I believe it and maybe I should just enjoy the air

See Me Here:
It’s the distance between Heaven and Earth
And so I’m always falling
Because speaking up hurts
But I never learned to fly
So through the streets I’m calling
Now you ask me why
Like an angel on my shoulder
Or is that your leg or thigh
I need you closer
Close enough and I still don’t see
You are my lady, my love, my girl
All I need is the air that I breathe
Maybe not
If you would love me like you do
Ask me never to stop
Because aren’t beds big enough
Who needs Eden… with or without you?
When it’s only the two of us
closer until the very next line
can only be love
Someday, sometime
you’ll be in my heart
I’ll make room… a lot
Just… don’t break it apart
my atom bomb baby
The Space In Between Us
That’s the distance between love; maybe
it might be… just too much
Copyright © 2015 Second Circle Creations, Will A. Bradford Jr. All rights reserved.
Inspired By: Yuffie Kisaragi … Final Fantasy VII, Cake “The Distance”, The Apache Relay “Katie Queen of Tennessee”, Oleta Adams “Get Here”, Freddie Jackson “You Are My Lady”, Sia “My Love”, The Temptations “My Girl”, The Hollies “The Air That I Breathe”, Ellie Goulding “Love Me Like You Do” Fifty Shades of Grey Soundtrack, U2 “With Or Without You”, Sugar Ray “Someday”, Phil Collins “You’ll Be In My Heart”, “Atom Bomb Baby” (1957) Cold War Classics (Atomic Platters), and Building 429 “The Space In Between Us”