Things I want to believe someday, I Love You, I Need You, I Miss You, I Believe In You, hell maybe that fourth one will be the hardest, and if I can’t say it to myself, why think anyone else will, WHY — Ye Of Little Will

Saturday, January 26, 2019
Episode 209 ~Ye Of Little Will~
Hey Lady Lu,
How To Make One Million Dollars, BELIEVE, now that doesn’t sound so hard does it; considering everything I choose to have faith in, that I’ll wake up at a decent hour, maybe I’ll be done by five, or that “Negan” coming for a visit will be good.
I shouldn’t use Negan in the context of my “father” because I like Negan in a way and speaking of things I believe in; the Dead, Walkers, Zombies, the virus known as Solanum. It’s out there in development by someone or something. It wouldn’t surprise me if we had The Happening, hopefully, better made and I do believe in aliens, “Indiana Gone” told me once that Earth is the planet aliens ride by with their windows up, perhaps there’s a Covenant, watching us right now. I’ve spoken a bit about watching Far Cry 5 playthroughs. Lately, The Project At Eden’s Gate, hell Lady Luna compare that to the world we see daily, the great collapse.
Now that is the question, how does one lose faith and that is something I can answer, WHY; when I was in the A.M.E. church I began asking why and aren’t I always saying it’s the questions without answers that get you. Why are you here, when your parents don’t want you, when everybody sees you as less than a person, and when you don’t want to get out of bed in the morning no wonder people believe that there is something out there bigger.
I didn’t mean to get so dark, but there are things I wish I could believe in, I believed in Santa until I was ahem nine and then I was terrible for taking that lie away from my sister; what about God… now that’s a big subject. There’s also B III, I believe, he’ll be with me until every one of his hairs turn grey, he’ll grow a beard and I’ll be explaining to a little girl and a little boy why their big brother, my little boy, and best friend won’t come home and then my wife will find me broken. My point is everything has us looking down, we all know we’re going to die and if you want to be up, to look up, pick up your feet, see that man in the mirror, lift that pen, punch those keys, please read that story and edit Will.
For now, if you asked for my gospel Lady Lu, I am a follower of “THEY,” what did they say, mean, and do, will THEY send me to Heaven or Hell, will I want to look at the sky or lay down and die, who will THEY be tomorrow but me… Ye Of Little Will.
I Will Have No Fear