Log 050 ~Will’s Hot In Here~

All these people complaining about the heat, my idea of hot was walking through Hell only to reach the light at the end of the tunnel if that makes any sense, but didn’t they say the road to heaven is paved in hell? Will’s Hot In Here.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Log 050 ~Will’s Hot In Here~

Dear Future Wife,
I AM a Millionaire right now, and I didn’t invest in hoodies. You know what my business entails but let’s stick to the family-friendly. I never imagined that I would be that man getting mad over the thermostat. When it was only me and my firstborn, I was still confused about changing the temperature. I haven’t thought about the ant problem from once upon a time. Anyway, I want to talk about the things that make me hot; that’s pretty much you.

I don’t mean to sound crass. You know, even now when I want to ask you a question. I’m always expecting you to say you have a boyfriend, a husband. Lucky me isn’t that right? I could call you beautiful, marvelous, unforgettable, perfect. If anything, that means I need to burn my thesaurus. Speaking of books and everything you know I read, a woman that reads. The fact that we can have three beautiful daughters named Katniss, Tris, and Ember. You get those three references, The Hunger Games, Divergent, Article 5. I’m more an Ellie Goulding fan than Alicia Keys but my Girl On Fire. That’s what I think every time I hear you sing. Yeah, I don’t have the voice for it anymore, but for you, I would try. Should I break out my Alita: Battle Angel impression again.


Again I’m lucky I married an angel because without you they’re never going to let me in Heaven. Not that I’m planning on going very soon or have I chosen to believe. In all honesty, I never turned on an oven or a crockpot without a girl being the cause. I never ate out, hell I would rather say I was sick. Though a woman hot enough to make me brave the kitchen. One that I’ll go out in the sunlight for or brave candlelight. I like chicken soup but tell me you can do Campbell’s Chunky Grilled Chicken & Sausage Gumbo. Add some grilled shrimp and ghost pepper sauce, the way to this man’s heart. Sometimes I believe you’ll get me so mad though Hell will freeze over before I speak again. It does, and then the next second I’m hot for you all over again. Okay, I’ll stop.

You know I wrote a whole novel about the world ending in fire. Another type of heat you reading it sigh Will’s Hot In Here.

I Will Have No Fear

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