Lesson 274 ~Truest Sentence You Know~

A start but life gets in the way or in keeping one promise I might have to break another and that doesn’t sound right at all, just like over three thousand words isn’t the same as five thousand and what about tomorrow. “Truest Sentence You Know”

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Lesson 274 ~Truest Sentence You Know~

To Will:
I Am Not Fine Today will not do, even if it is the “truest” sentence for the moment and indeed that is no way to start a novel, no way to start a life, and both need to start today, right now. Again you are starting late today but if yesterday I could pull off five thousand words you can do the same thing and “Indiana Gone” has faith in you but talk about trust being sorely misplaced.

“Faith,” I wonder did they know that the Bible would take off the way it did; I suppose that’s more of a question for Lady Sophia. Hell, today should be all about Jesus, watching more “Far Cry 5,” do you remember the days of watching “The Ten Commandments” with the family. Talk about being greatly written but more importantly are your stories, maybe we should start thinking of them as goals that you wish to create and for those you will need more than a pen and a pad as Dr. Dre put it. Only isn’t that how it begins, with a pen and a pad, to nickels and dimes, to more paper and speaking of paper how about those six impossible things written down:

1. I Will Keep It In My Pants (Day 015 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
Completed (Day 022 No Fap)
2. I Will Be The Friend My Dog Deserves
3. I Will Survive Inventory Tomorrow
4. I Will Finish Reading “Galahad Suns”
5. I Will Review Pacific Rim: Uprising
6. I Will “Get Out” Of This House Once

Now I feel like you should try harder, though it came down to the wire, I just finished writing the Pacific Rim: Uprising review yesterday and posting it, and I drove to Starbucks through a storm, and I didn’t have to, a test of courage. Isn’t writing something you know is going to suck a test of courage, you should probably think up a rule to stop putting yourself down if one does not already exist. That right there is the thing, you know the story that you WILL start today all that you need now is to get it out of you and stop making up a million excuses.

To be honest, though I know you’re at a lost for the next six impossible things though I can think of three right off the bat; another great story, The Walking Dead though I’ll share my disdain for Scott Gimple as well. Speaking of writers, I even did “Cherry” a solid reviewing her work, but it always comes back to me and now you, too busy trying to understand other people’s work what about yours, let’s start six impossible things:

1. I Will Keep It In My Pants (Day 022 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
2. I Will Be The Friend My Dog Deserves
3. I Will Not “Beg,” ”Cherry or Okay”
4. I Will Complete 50% of “VLAD”
5. I Will Start My New Book Today
6. I Will “Get Out” Of This House Other Than Shopping

So you know what you have to do, the ideas are already beginning to flow all you need do now is write them out, find the Truest Sentence You Know.

I Will Have No Fear

Yes, I’ll Have Cherry Pop

Brings a tear to your eye or a hammer to your heart but kind of the author to go first with all of her poetry as short as it was, but if you’re expecting here comes the sun, well Moses saw a burning bush. Yes, I’ll Have Cherry Pop

Maybe I should say I’ll have a “coke” before my southern roots finally disappear; I was born up north near Boston, and while I’m not a huge tea drinker and I’m further from England now, the books are still pretty good indeed. One such book is “Cherry” by Courtenay S. Gray, and this book of poetry is more than a cherry pop I would say this is a cherry bomb and no not like that.

Four out of five stars, with poems that range from sweet to tart, from a somewhat unknown writer, I found her by accident, to be honest, sort of like Moses seeing the burning bush, and I wonder how the rest of the world isn’t hearing her yet. Maybe she’s like the first cherry blossom blooming, and soon we’ll all be getting rained on by her words as I believe this is only her second book but speaking as a fellow writer we all start somewhere. I don’t know where, to begin with, her words though if I just had one word to define the theme of her work somehow, then that word would have to be… one guess *ahem* LOVE.

I can see that she loves her work but where there is love there is also hate, and I couldn’t begin to tell you the demographic for her work, you’ll leave it with your conflictions of love and hate. She’s also a person that seems to be crying out for love, the thing is, does she want it for herself or does it come as a desire for someone else, trading her broken heart for something new, because she may break your heart? Maybe it’s more of an affair; there’s even a poem called “The Two-Month Love Affair” but no worries you can finish the book in one sitting and isn’t the point of a one-night stand, okay maybe an hour to make sure all parties are honestly satisfied completely?

Yes, this book will fill you up, but I’m not sure if it’s with wisdom, the nostalgic feeling of a broken heart or a taste of Nightlock… The Hunger Games, anyone, okay a touch of poison. It will probably be a bit of all three and a whole lot more; with Cherry, you’ll feel like a kid again to a senior in no time flat.

I can’t begin to tell you which was my favorite poem of Courtenay’s though I found myself highlighting a few passages here and there that go from lovely to downright depressing and speaks about “Things That Make You Go Hmmm.” Now I’m still trying to find out who would be the right fit for this book, other than a guy who happens to be searching Goodreads or Twitter at just the right time of day.

The first line of “False Gods” which I found to be inspirational for some reason in a do you step or do you leap XBOX type of way, and who am I to say what the author was thinking, other than risk. Her work “The Last Farce” had me looking at her bio, she’s probably the youngest author I’ve read as she’s twenty years old and once you wrap your head around that a lot of her work makes a smidge more sense. “Blue Moon” and “Many Strings Attached” are tied for highlights and had me parodying Peter Griffin when he spoke of Lionel Richie’s “Hello”; you wonder who’s more in the wrong, the girl doing the chasing or the guys that she is chasing.

Speaking as someone who knows a few broken hearts I can relate, anyone with a broken heart will, and maybe that’s who should read this but don’t look for solace or consolation here, I think this is for the author alone. It doesn’t have that I’ve known such hurt and now here I am standing tall empowerment that most women are into nowadays, this is an acknowledgment of pain trying to escape in these words. Now, this probably will sound quite sexist but maybe this was written for her lovers to see and understand, she’s apparently angry in The Two Month Love Affair, but still in love, no question there.

If I were to tell you every poem that spoke to me, that carries such pain or longing, hell a few even turn me on, meaning I might be like one of the guys she talks about which is a bad thing but I still bought it didn’t I? Without a doubt, I’ll be buying her next one, and I still need to buy her first one, call me curious, was she already hurt then or will those be more sunshine and rainbows, highly doubtful.

Four out of five stars easy only two things keep it from greatness and should brevity count as one, that’s just me being a writer I guess, I could crank out a hundred poems and a book by tomorrow which is probably why this is so unheard of now. There is also let’s say the promise that the author makes to the reader, again I’m a guy, getting turned on doesn’t count but what about ladies who pick this up?

I keep going over in my head the purpose for this book if the author was trying to console herself or inform those who hurt her, why take it so far with this book; honestly I think that the world should see this and there are plenty of unknowns just waiting for their discovery. In 500 Days of Summer, I heard “to get over a girl turn her into literature,” and I guess it works with getting over a guy but the purpose of this is not to get over but to never be forgotten. Maybe it was only a test run, and if that’s the case, I might want my money back; yes, I enjoyed the book, but it was over so incredibly fast.

As for the promise that the author says this collection seeks to unearth your deepest desires; I see a tiny bit of the erotica I read but if that’s the case, what is it you’re looking for, young love but most women might be too mature for this. I can see a mom buying this for their daughter and every dad eyeing any potential suitors suspiciously but hoping this keeps their kids locked in their rooms. As the song goes how “it’s only love.” Will this author find it professionally or dare I say personally? In both cases, I do have high hopes for her, but he better be a million times smarter than whoever she’s writing about in this.

It’s worth the price but know what you’re getting into or look her up on Twitter, honestly, I hope I’m helping her because “Cherry” is so good, and now that song she’s my “Cherry Pie” is playing in my head, don’t I wish. She’s still a bit of a “new” author, and we all know another word for that don’t we, so I think maybe Yes, I’ll Have Cherry Pop.