Episode 273 ~Will Drown For Food~

Drinking more water, “trying” to get up and do some real work, staying cleaning and not lying in dirty clothes for the whole day; it all seems like so much that I can barely breathe but what’s the point. “Will Drown For Food”

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Episode 273 ~Will Drown For Food~

To Will:
How To Make One Million Dollars, if you need an honest answer, Breasts. Find a way to see Tits without paying. Get Boobs to pay to see Knockers on Knockouts. Find a Bosom you want to keep for yourself and make her yours.

You’ve started reading a new motivational book, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. Tomorrow will be different, but for now, it’s making sense. What’s one more chef like I talked about yesterday. Another mentor, more learning? Have you forgotten to be grateful? What you’ve learned so far is that you attract what you think about the most. So, of course, Ta-tas. You wanted to see the Cosplayer’s, and so you have. You paid a pretty penny to see the MILF’s, but you got it done. You saw “Okay’s” for free (for the most part) along with Indiana Gone’s. You want to see them, and there’s no shortage. If you put those on the list, you’ll be looking at 100%. Still, here we are, Six Impossible Things:

  1. I Will Keep It In My Pants (Day 001 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
    Completed (Day 008 No Fap)
  2. I Will Be The “Father” My Dog Deserves
  3. I Will Review Crave (Addicted To You #1) K.M. Scott
  4. I Will Enter The Mythic March Short Story Contest
  5. I Will Read Love The Way You Lie by Skye Warren
  6. I Will Edit One Chapter Of My Newly Written Novel

You have thought about that story of Socrates. How he nearly drowned a man on a quest for knowledge. Eric Thomas tells the same story about success. You know “when you want (blank) as badly as you want to breathe.” So for you, that’s girls. Now you’re also a student of Scarface and the things he had to do to obtain power. The old blood, sweat, and tears mentality of your hard work. That you have to know, you do?

However, there is an attraction. Controlling one’s thoughts. How you can’t imagine how difficult that is. The “F” Word no not “Fucking” (Language). The other F word. I’m reluctant to say because you know how Hemingway flags it as “uncertainty.” Much like Six Impossible Things:

  1. I Will Keep It In My Pants (Day 008 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
  2. I Will Be The “Father” My Dog Deserves
  3. I Will Write 10,200 Words For NaNoWriMo
  4. I Will Review Crave (Addicted To You #1) K.M. Scott
  5. I Will Enter The Mythic March Short Story Contest
  6. I Will Finish Reading The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

I know it’s hard to explain. It’s like your bed is a sinking ship, and you jump overboard with the promise of something to keep you afloat. Instead, Will, you climb back into that doomed ship. As far as you’re concerned you’re dead either way right? Only this is the thinking that needs to stop. One good thought overrides a hundred negatives, but you have a lifetime of that. Your sea is the air that you breathe. So if you’re going under anyway, it might as well be moving towards something you want. You didn’t have a laptop before. A thousand dollars was a dream. Women, that want to take their clothes off for money; who could imagine such a thing? Whether you’re a baby or a grown man, you know what you want. So yes, Will Drown For Food.

I Will Have No Fear

Episode 116 ~Will Connects The Dots~

Money and then the woman, but I’m not saying she’s a golddigger, though I’m not above buying my way into Heaven with how I’m working these days, only I would be better off looking for a change of heart. Will Connects The Dots hopefully

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Episode 116 ~Will Connects The Dots~


Come In Dirty Diana,
How To Make One Million Dollars, don’t be such a boob or better yet stare at a pair of them for extended periods because no matter what you call them, breasts, ta-tas, fun bags, whatever the feeling remains and yes I looked up the slang. If I’m looking up anything nowadays it should be for dotting I’s and crossing T’s but look at me today, well I did show up eventually but speaking of eyes *sigh*

If only I had such laser focus when it came to my words or can I blame work again, every day this week… that’s one good thing about my day job, you can’t wait to leave, if I ever did own a brothel, well… Is it fair to use “cathouse” and “romantic,” they say the eyes are the windows to the soul, and there was a time that was my focus when it came to a woman, the time of intimacy am I right? The days of having a heart but now it’s everything on the surface, freckles, nipples but is it odd that I don’t like too many tattoos on a girl; don’t get me wrong there are two moms and a lesbian chick I would happily fuck, still.

One of the many things I’m attempting to figure out about myself, what separates one girl from the next as I was telling Inspector Echo yesterday a person is supposed to control their feelings, but everything in this world is demanding honestly; such as being a dominant as well. You don’t change a submissive; you want her as she is but everything after that is to draw her more into you, like those connect the dots pictures. You have the idea, but you follow steps, and when you see her for what she is, you fill her in with your desires and hers My problem today has been the fact that I’m focusing on two dots on some cosplayer’s chest because… well one more puzzle, other than I’m horny honestly.

Too much pent-up energy, do I blame my “medication” or my new work ethic this week at the day job or maybe I’m dying and looking for a piece of “paradise” and however will I get there? The money is coming at this rate, not a lot but it’s something if I don’t fuck it up somehow, but no more dreams of anything so far, and don’t they say seeing is believing; with boobs, yes touching would help quite a bit… Will Connects The Dots.

I Will Have No Fear