Chronicle 136 ~The Dead B Callin’~

Could I be so lucky, and all the spammers dropped dead? Well, not on Goodreads. And have I killed anybody in “Behave In The Cherry Patch?” 4,600 words for it and 287 Days without Braxton, but I can’t bring him back. But On Sundays, The Dead B Callin’

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Chronicle 136 ~The Dead B Callin’~

To Will:
I AM a Billionaire right now, which means, for all intent and purposes, I’ve gone deaf. With that type of money, though, you’d…

Better not to give you ideas about how this week is going to go. For the record, before we get into everything, I am proud of you. Reading, writing, and let’s not call stroking your dick an achievement. Hell, if it wasn’t for that, you wouldn’t have resurrected, dear writer. Counting our conversation this evening, you will have accomplished 5,000 more words. You’re still lying to NaNoWriMo; once again, sigh. With everything, you have to do this week? I envy what you were able to do today because god knows with me in two days… Who knows, you might get lucky. Oh no, not like that but more like the song. AHEM “The dreams in which I’m dying are the best I’ve ever had” yup.

  1. I AM Finishing Reading This Dog’s Afterlife 1
  2. I AM Finishing Gathering, My Braxton’s Albums
  3. I AM Sending Gulp Off To Be Published SIGH
  4. I AM Keeping It In My Pants (Day 001 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
    Failed (Day 001 No Fap)
  5. I WILL Work On A Tattoo Of B III
  6. I WILL Be The Man My Son Thinks I Am

Once again, I forgot Six Impossible Things, and you will, too, count on it. What you will never forget is Braxton, and where are we now? 287 Days without dear Braxton. Is that why you went all kinds of hard into your work today? I don’t blame you. 3:00 Napping. You’re excused for overusing the word DEAR. You know how when you’re writing, and you get stuck on a specific term? Well, of course, you do, and that wouldn’t be possible if Dear Chase was here. I did count up the cash in my wallet Saturday. Did he find a home? None of the ladies offered him at PetSmart. I assume so. The last thing I need is another reason to cry. Six Impossible Things:

  1. I AM Finishing Reading I Am Nelson (Hmm…)
  2. I AM Finishing Gathering, My Braxton’s Albums
  3. I AM Sending Gulp Off To Be Published SIGH
  4. I AM Keeping It In My Pants (Day 001 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
  5. I WILL Work On A Tattoo Of B III
  6. I WILL Be The Man My Son Thinks I Am

If I’m going to be ready to not do any of these things this week, I need to eat something. You need to remember that you’d write anything than go back to the Day Job. There is so much pain. And all you’ve done is lift your legs and other parts of your anatomy, right? What made you think for a second that you were fit to be a Daddy again? How about the first time around? Never forget what happened to Braxton. Sunday, he had to be quiet. Until January 31st where he shut up permanently. Hemmingway won’t be silent about this. As I hope to watch Fear The Walking Dead and The Walking Dead; World Beyond tonight. Earned It? The Dead B Callin’

287 Days Without B III

BLM Braxton’s Life Matters,

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