I don’t drink… much. If anything, I refer you to “Drunk On You.” A big thanks to Braxton’s Aunt (not my actual sister.) I owe her TWO big thumbs up for keeping me UP a little longer. I went to bed at a reasonable hour though still… “Time To B Wasted”

Sunday, December 5, 2021
Chronicle 157 ~Time To B Wasted~
To Will:
I AM a Billionaire right now, and I would say if you listened to your motivations… Hate to tell you, but that’s illegal.
The start of a new week, and you haven’t stopped ranting, raving about “air pods.” Brother, I don’t blame you. No wonder you took a chance to cover your shift. Should have done it yesterday, but that was my own cowardice, my apologies to you. Anyway, if you could listen to your air pods at the Day Job, it would only be to people’s reactions. There’s nothing wrong with that, I know. It’s only the facts these past few days. If not that, then how about crying for your son again. Here you are all dressed up with nowhere to go. You even shaved, and for what? Hell, you counted out $310.00 in your wallet. No doggies at PetSmart. But movement on Six Impossible Things:
- I AM Finishing Reading A Sincere Warning About the Entity in Your Home
Completed - I AM Finishing Gathering, My Braxton’s Albums
Partial - I AM Sending Gulp Off To Be Published SIGH
Failed - I AM Keeping It In My Pants (Day 011 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
Completed (Day 017 No Fap) - I WILL Work On A Tattoo Of B III
Failed - I WILL Be The Man My Son Thinks I Am
Nope, I was, and indeed you are wasting time. Can you imagine if you added a puppy to the mix? Speaking of mixing, don’t you have shrimp waiting for you in the sink. You have a mouth to feed since even breathing seems to be a time suck. Rather starve? Dammit! If it means going to the Day Job, which seems more and more inevitable. The time is winding down. Again, this is all my fault. Fear, friend, stands as one fucking waste of time. Pardon your language. Meaning to say something else but corrections? Shouldn’t I say erections? Didn’t you start writing at 1:00 PM and now 2:20? Can’t I be proud of you for at least finishing your reading? Not, Six Impossible Things:
- I AM Finishing Reading Succubus Christmas Special (LitRpg)
- I AM Finishing Gathering, My Braxton’s Albums
- I AM Sending Gulp Off To Be Published SIGH
- I AM Keeping It In My Pants (Day 017 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
- I WILL Work On A Tattoo Of B III
- I WILL Be The Man My Son Thinks I Am
As you never ever have time for them. Or at least that’s what you’ll keep telling yourself. When it comes to getting out of work, you’ll have all the time in the world. Whether it be the Day Job, writing; this conversation we should have. You will always find something. Being a father, though. To be Braxton’s daddy again. I’ll never forget those last days. Every breath he took, there was not a single second taken for granted. Do you recall love doesn’t tell time? Um, when you’re dying? That’s why you’re a stickler timewise. Chronomentrophobia. You fear you have way too much time for THEM. What you have for yourself… wasted. And B III died because he wasn’t given enough. Time To B Wasted
308 Days Without B III
BLM Braxton’s Life Matters,