Gospel 016 ~Lists, Giving Me Willies~

The plot of my fictional story is coming along all on its own. As far as my real life, though, grocery lists, lists of excuses, the Six Impossible Things that I’m never doing. It’s not Fear but rather Laziness. Lists, Giving Me Willies

Friday, July 17, 2020

Gospel 016 ~Lists, Giving Me Willies~

Hey Lady Sophia,
I AM a Billionaire right now, which means I have many sources of income. Yet again, I become a broken record because of all the ways I wish to accomplish this. I want to write books, own brothels and have bikini babes. Yes, I’ve been listening to Tony Montana, you know the money, the power, the woman. Right now, though, I would kill for a pizza, which brings me to tonight. I couldn’t get it up to find three toppings I liked to have on it now.

How about the lists of names for characters in my book? It was a miracle I even worked on it at all. Still, I got around to adding Lilith Cassandra Swann, played by Tifa Lockhart. There’s also Aurora Leanna Till, who’s supposed to be Aerith Gainsborough. Do those names sound SEXY? What about all the women I’ve wanted to cave to? I swear I haven’t thought about MILF Dos in a while. Of course, what I mean by that is I haven’t been drooling over her pictures, which I deleted off my phone. I still have Cherry’s, but I’m not salivating over her either. I did download some Final Fantasy VII Porn and some more Momokun. Now, this is a blessing in disguise. See, the ISP is sucking at their jobs, so the internet connection has been crappy. No Wi-Fi, no “adult entertainment” except what I got already. No worries?

On the other hand, what about that big stack of emails and aren’t I going to be busy tomorrow. No, I don’t need to write my book, let me note every problem I’m having in this life at the moment. Lady Sophia, doesn’t that make perfect sense. Isn’t it working on my Six Impossible Things every Sunday? There’s so much I need to buy for the house, but I didn’t start today. I did meet the lawn guy again. One way or another, some white guy is getting my money, but I could have told him no, right? Speaking of even more money, I’m losing track of all the Submissive clothing I bought. I broke down and bought Tifa’s dress and not a girl to be seen in my house. I’m not writing love stories, though, as my current novel has made quite obvious all on its own for today.

One day I’ll write DONE on Lists, Giving Me Willies.

I Will Have No Fear

Gospel 009 ~Willie That’s Your Story~

Didn’t I say something about writing real-life last week? It is starting to catch up to my fictional world, and even eclipse it. I guess that’s why today I finally came up with a plot, and still, I have to ask? Willie That’s Your Story

Friday, July 10, 2020

Gospel 009 ~Willie That’s Your Story~

Hey Lady Sophia,
I AM a Billionaire right now, and that’s because I write good stories… Yeah, I couldn’t say that with a straight face. One more reason to love the plague era we’re in. Speaking of which, I should get this story out of my mind. Don’t worry, it’s true. I talked about this yesterday, a man wanting to cut the lawn and earning TRUST. As for today, I faced my “father.” His car went dead. A tale of TERROR, if anything. If you’re looking for something with a TERRIFIC ending. My granddaddy is alive, so is my younger sister after getting the Coronavirus.

Now don’t get on me about not using the term “Happy Ending.” Hell, today I had to get up from Mariah Mallard, a.k.a. Momokun’s massive Yabbos. I wonder which is more offensive, either wanting to FAP to her and who doesn’t? Pretending that her Yabbos are Cherry’s. Yeah again, covering her face and mouthing Cherry’s name. How about the fact that I want to put them both in the novel I should be writing? The real-life adventures of Will are either scary or dull as everything. To this day, I still say, bring on the zombies already. While I was with my father, I was thinking I would end up another statistic. Say, Waiting While Black in front of a gas station. Anyway, so besides hearing my father’s stories, what about the one that’s waiting.

“For A Fine, Cherry Spread,” and yes Lady Sophia, that is a working title. I finally came up with a theme, a concept, a plot, whatever. Father Win William Bridgman is still mourning the loss of Cherry and her Mum. He and his son are at odds over how he tried to protect Cherry, whose a murderess of several young girls. Having been “banished” from The Moondust. Father Bridgman takes his fleshly pleasures from Amia Jocelyn Everhart (MILF Dos). Bastian Barks Bennett’s wife, a.k.a. Evie Gabriela Bennett (Carrie Cummings) wants to repair her family. Amia hatchets a plot to inform Evie of her Father-In-Law’s businesses. Threatening to go to the police. Father Bridgman kidnaps her, further increasing the divide of father and son. Cherry’s memories will serve as evidence through diary entries, videos, and more.

I’m still messing up the story though both fiction and reality when it comes to life. With my lifestyle and still, Willie That’s Your Story.

I Will Have No Fear

Gospel 002 ~Plot Not Playboy Will~

I talked about repeating myself, blah, blah PORN, *cue Charlie Brown adults* wah, wah, which is what I might as well be writing instead of the real-life adventures of a not so young Will. Plot Not Playboy Will.

Friday, July 3, 2020

Gospel 002 ~Plot Not Playboy Will~

Hey Lady Sophia,
I AM a Billionaire right now, but what am I doing with my primary two sources of income. Writing and women, no, I’m afraid I’m still stuck with the Day Job. Again no, but the story of my life isn’t getting any better and who’s at fault. I found my antagonist, yep.

He’s the guy who only today, got a new pair of boots and what about food? Remind me never to order from East Buffet again. I still miss the Red Lantern. East Buffet’s curry chicken is neither spicy nor overall appetizing. Somehow they got three stars from me, and I don’t have the time to write yet another review. Hell, I don’t have the time to finish the one I’ve been promising from the Logs to now the Gospels. The word is growing on me, but what isn’t moving is my new novel. It’s day three, and I’m already falling behind with Chapter Two. At least I can say I did a good deed for someone else rather than becoming the villain. I returned a lost phone, but was that by the goodness of my heart? As always, I was guided by FEAR, of my own loss and of getting caught thieving or even hacking.

Why steal when I’m sitting on $1,335.00 from saving up half the year? If I’m hacking anything, it would be between some girl’s… yeah, today ain’t Thursday. It’s so HARD, though… NO FAP. I still miss MILF Dos, I can’t deny that. I thought about reaching out to Cherry, but I reined that in. I haven’t quit cold turkey though considering Nagoonimation, which was only $5.00 but is worth far more. Final Fantasy VII has been a driving force and not because of the story. I have never played it.

So what about Too Late and For A Fine Cherry Spread? Lady Sophia, I have to make it through the end of the week. Seven days and what, my biggest streak lately was thirty, and so far, I’ve barely made it one day. Seeing as how this is a new year though I am trying, I swear it. Even as I say this, though, where am I? You guessed it, downloading Nagoonimation’s animations. I always need to know the end of a story, right? Where to begin though Lady Sophia.

I’m only good at finishing um, Plot Not Playboy Will.

I Will Have No Fear

Log 361 ~Told By A Willie~

It’s a tale told by an idiot or will be in about five days. Three years of writing this blog, with around 400 words each day, SIGH. What do I have left to say other than being a broken record player? Told By A Willie, ha

Friday, June 26, 2020

Log 361 ~Told By A Willie~

Hey Lady Sophia,
I AM a Billionaire right now, but that would mean I could stop listening to my Willy one day. You know, my Wang, my monster, and Pedro. All my life, it seems I’ve been listening to one Willie or another. The one in my pants, my fears, and of course, my “father.”

Let’s start with my favorite and my worst. It should be said that I’m not a racist, and I’m not only saying that being a Black “Man” in the deep south. Wang and Pedro, for example. I’m not looking up Wang, I looked up Willie once today, and Pedro reminds me of Varsity Blues. Black Lives Matter, but what was I doing with mine last night? An excuse, but “something” happened and between three different women. Mia Khalifa in Graduating Summa Cum Loud, Final Fantasy VII Remake – Hot Tifa Lockhart – Part 48 and my current “obsession.” Hell Lady Sophia, I rubbed one out, so I’m not telling a story of being clean. Right now, my NO FAP story is only eleven hours. What am I going to do when Camp NaNoWriMo rolls around in July?

Oh yeah, that’s one more thing I’m scared of. Besides not keeping it in my pants, I’ve told you about my shoe/feet problem. So that means I’m going to have to get off my ass and go shopping at some point today. Now that explains why I’m talking to you right now. I’m scared of walking into the gas station with a mask on, so yeah, I had to work that out. I still haven’t called about a haircut. As always, I’m worried about My Dæmon. How many times do I have to carry him downstairs? The spam links keep coming, but as far as I know, all is well. Lady Sophia, that’s one of my greatest fears. I will be sitting right here again next year, writing in my bed. Five more days and I will have been telling my story for three years.

A tale told by an idiot if my father had his say. Yeah, I’m not allowing him on my Facebook, and did I mention I’m still blocked by MILF Dos. The fear of losing her has come and gone. I go back and forth between sending more money, trying again, a story without any end.

Why do I deserve an ending, Told By A Willie?

I Will Have No Fear

Log 354 ~Sign Of The Willies~

Stop signs aren’t optional, but of course, when I first got behind the wheel well… you know something that might be an excellent job for me, seeing as I do enough of that in my life, and still, I ask “Lord Give Me A Sign.” “Sign Of The Willies.”

Friday, June 19, 2020

Log 354 ~Sign Of The Willies~

Hey Lady Sophia,
I AM a Billionaire right now, so the worse sign could be that I’m broke. Well, Hell to most wealthy people, that would mean being only a dollar off. By next week I’ll see that as $0.00 because I didn’t work this week, but that doesn’t scare me. What signs do terrify?

Now, given my lack of Norton, E-Mail, and H&R Block messages, there’s still plenty. Am I always griping about MILF Dos? Between being busy, with the groomer, the games, and my lack of guts haven’t thought about her… much anyway. More I’ve been thinking about The Harmonic War and the message I couldn’t bring myself to read. I’m still disgusted with myself for years gone by. Yeah again, tell that to TTB, Of Inner Demons, VG, and the list continues. What about Sweetness, The D, and even the Basic Bitch? At least they said “goodbye,” so there was closure. For now, shall I say that ignorance is bliss? She loves me, she loves me not? At the moment, I would settle for seeing MILF Dos pop back on my screen.

Living in America as a black “man,” I would be quite remiss, not to mention Juneteenth. Freedom for “my people” Lady Sophia. What happened to that is a big question? Black towns have been razed over a white woman’s lies. Emmett Till was lynched. I should consider myself blessed that I can sit here and whine over six pairs of white boobies. Black Lives Matter though I’ve never felt that way about my life. Those signs are everywhere, and yet what is the sign I’m waiting on, which brings me back to my topic. What am I scared of reading? My money, being returned, which means it’s over. It doesn’t, she doesn’t, and it’s a lesson learned. Do I need another message from Whisper or Instagram? Talking about a sugar daddy or another porno link?

Lord Give Me A Sign as the song goes. I should be in bed because soon enough I’ll be looking at 4 AM and a sad furry little boy. How about the log count so far? It’s been about three years, and what do I have to show for it? Camp NaNoWriMo is coming up again, and the last one cost me Cherry, not to mention a big CHEATER sign.

And nobody knows it but me, Sign Of The Willies.

I Will Have No Fear

Log 347 ~Chalk It Up, Willy~

Can I read the writing on the wall because I couldn’t see it on the chalkboard when I was a kid, so that explains my grades, but it wasn’t as if they were teaching the facts of life or anything? “Chalk It Up, Willy”

Friday, June 12, 2020

Log 347 ~Chalk It Up, Willy~

Hey Lady Sophia,
I AM a Billionaire right now, which means I probably have someone taking my calls, messages, etc.

The problem is, nobody knows me that well, and like the dumbest president in history, I must explain myself. It’s like being back in school, I could never see the writing on the wall, or the chalkboard, yeah my bad.

Is it any wonder my usual writing is always a mess? Hell, I’m still “agonizing” over my time traveling ways from Grateful Reasons 259 to 260. Today, let me focus on the writing of others, who are nine times out of ten women; surprise, surprise. Right now, my favorite is MILF Dos. I’ll admit I didn’t know she could be so naughty but her messages? Every time I get one, I jump with excitement, and for once, I’m not fearing my phone. Again my glimpses of the future usually don’t pan out, but what I see with this incredible beauty?

For one thing, she reminds me of one of my top five favorite books. I’m a man of contradiction because this particular book was written by a man. W. Anton talks about how a woman will LIE to everyone else for a guy she likes. Talk about no higher compliment.

“A woman will call in sick to stay in bed with you in the morning if you have time off from work but she doesn’t, and girls will tell their mothers all kinds of creative stories to avoid going back home at night when they like you a lot.”
― W. Anton, The Manual: What Women Want and How to Give It to Them

“For example, just enjoy the show when a young girl is sitting naked in your bed and her mother calls her asking where she has been all night, and she starts making up a random story about sleeping over at a friend’s house because the last night bus — that she was supposed to go home with — never arrived, and she did not want to call and wake anyone up, then the batteries in her phone died all of a sudden, but right now she is sitting in a taxi on her way home, but there is so much traffic that it might take a long while until she is back home.”
― W. Anton, The Manual: What Women Want and How to Give It to Them

Then there are the women who insult you, like my boss. I don’t know what excuse she’s writing down as to why I won’t work today. Didn’t I tell her the truth, Lady Sophia? I hate working HOME & KIDS. You know how I feel about feet, so no SHOES. I worked AMAZON for five minutes and had a Panic Attack. So sitting here right now, there’s a tinge of guilt that I’m not going because I can’t take it. She might start writing something else for me… I’m glad I finished my book yesterday.

As for other writers, well, I’m still not talking to Cherry. She hasn’t written anything to me since I sent her a few chapters of my book. I have a tendency to write the wrong thing. It’s like quoting that song Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off. M Anime is soothed at the moment. The text the two of us pass over so many days, talk about, going the distance. Of course, Indiana Gone is my constant and second BFF next to my kid. MILF Dos, though, wow THE FEELS.

Always revising my reading list, well, Chalk It Up, Willy.

I Will Have No Fear

Log 340 ~What You Know Will~

I hate to lie because people don’t want the truth. Well, there seems to be a lot of that going around, or at least there was when I wrote this, but if I dare call myself a prophet, I know I’m not okay, and I shouldn’t write that. “What You Know Will”

Friday, June 5, 2020

Log 340 ~What You Know Will~

Hey Lady Sophia,
I AM a Billionaire right now, which means I’m “gonna have a Good Day,” a Lovely Day on Easy Street. The thing is I hate writing lies. Not fiction but lies, and so you know I’m no prophet, it still being Monday and all. Here’s my point. I’m always saying what I should write and then censoring (sometimes) what I shouldn’t be. Seeing as how I’m still awake after a not quite so bad day at the Day Job, I want to come right out with it. What Lady Sophia; still hating the phrase “How Are You Today” and “What You Know.”

I shouldn’t be writing of Kagney Linn Karter. Now I could go on for some time about this not being my fault or a plethora of excuses. You know the ole picture and a thousand words stick? Well her look, led to her name, EvilAngel.com, Downloads, and Little Kimberley. Yes, Lady Sophia, I always start with the porn and my wallet on that note. I saw something from MILF Dos, and is that um opportunity? Doubtful, but as of the 1st, I’m going on two weeks of NO FAP, madness?

In my dreams, and I shouldn’t be writing in my sleep. I’m so tired, though, and again this is after a somewhat decent day. Shoes will be so much worse. I only felt like punching one person today. Now, what did I say about lying, two at the most, okay? SIGH, it vexes me. Considering everything going on in this country and I want to harm another black man. How about COVID-19 cancels the rest of the workweek, hmm? That sounds pretty bad, but the Day Job is that horrible.

I need the money though besides paying off a would-be “model” and what about McDonald’s. You know how I have to check the prices on my phone before I go anywhere, but I didn’t, no, not this time. Well, my lunch budget is blown for the rest of the week. Damn, the one thing I don’t need to be writing about is ANXIETY, the Law of Attraction being what it is. Only I write about everything, and here we are. A journal, a blog is one big, How Are You.

Three different timeframes, right now I’m tired, at the Day Job, in a rage or scared, on Friday, hopefully relieved. Still What You Know Will?

I Will Have No Fear

Log 333 ~Will’s Soggy Runaway Letter~

A Twist With My “Anxiety.” Sorry that song Twist In My Sobriety has been playing in my head a while. I didn’t work at Arby’s or Wendy’s long enough to have a leaving song. With Target, it was “Marissa Flashback.” Will’s Soggy Runaway Letter in retail

Friday, May 29, 2020

Log 333 ~Will’s Soggy Runaway Letter~

Hey Lady Sophia,
I AM a Billionaire right now, or I better be if this keeps up. Begin at the start, but you know I’m no one for writing rules. Okay, so today is actually Tuesday, May 26, so yeah, you’ll read about this, three days into the future. Do I even have a future… we’ll have to see sometime this week, won’t we? So I’ve never gotten around to writing a suicide note, never written a resignation. I’m sure it’s a sin I’ve never written a thank you card. There’s never a time right, or I’m always busy. Stuffing bags, balling fists, writing you.

It started with a written schedule, “Operations.” I have no clue what that is even after eight years. If anything, I wrote it off as an easy day. It wasn’t Home & Kids or Shoes. STUPID is determined to take the “Number One Spot” as the song goes. Now I was STUPID, which was enough, but I made it to heights unimaginable. I finished “organizing” bath towels and asked the General Manager where to next. Well, she said Amazon Returns. Oh, the things I’ve bought off Amazon, but I’ve never wanted to work there. The nice woman at the desk explains it to me and what happened next? Arby’s for one day, Wendy’s another, and Target, I absolutely refused. Lady Sophia, this is against every motivation, every speaker, and my life plans but ahem. I CAN’T breathes two little words.

Why not one word, ANXIETY. It was overwhelming Lady Sophia. Hell, I push buttons all the time like right now. With a push, I CAN build A Whole New World, believe in myself there. Blow it up if I need to, but in reality, all I did was run. As fast as I could go. However, there was also ANGER. I was DUMB enough to ask the boss a question. Yes, I do have a thesaurus My Lady, but that’s not the point. I stood there and let her say whatever she wanted. I sit here now angry for my running. Of course, I could go Fear leads to Anger. For now, I’m attempting to use the Anger to mask the fear. I’ve been trying for days but that cue Reboot song the FIREWALL came crumbling down today. In sweat, spit, and soggy rainy weather.

No tears, this isn’t goodbye but Will’s Soggy Runaway Letter.

To Will’s Most Hated Words:

  1. Stupid
  2. Skeevy
  3. Fear
  4. Anxiety
  5. Merge
  6. Happy
  7. Family-Friendly
  8. Just Kidding
  9. Tease
  10. Freak
  11. Lazy
  12. Sucks

I Will Have No Fear…

Log 326 ~Will Digs On Hate~

For once, I could write a “happy” story, well not that kind of happy. Though a lady at the Day Job said that my furbaby was cute so I can’t say I hate everybody there anymore, 99 Problems but she ain’t one still. Will Digs On Hate

Friday, May 22, 2020

Log 326 ~Will Digs On Hate~

Hey Lady Sophia,
I AM a Billionaire right now, but that doesn’t make me happy. Do you find it strange Lady Soph, that I consider HAPPY a hated word? Now HATE itself… I swear at the Day Job all I feel is RAGE, it’s all-encompassing. All my motivations talk about things like the Law of Attraction, Hard Work, Discipline, etc.

Are you saying I’m not; how many talks have I had in the past few days? Hell, I don’t want to get you or the girls sick with my Vitriol. That and my Libido, well hinging on how my talk with Dirty Diana went. They’re twin battering rams breaking me.

I want to focus on Vitriol, which I learned from Paulo Coelho’s book Veronika Decides to Die. I haven’t read it lately. We’ll get to my current reading list. Anyway, I’ve been having to mind my tongue at the Day Job. I mean damn, I marched right into my boss’s office. She wasn’t there, thank God, but let’s talk about another faceoff I’ve been having. My Fleshlight is sitting on the bathroom sink. No disrespect to former alcoholics, people with drug problems, or “real” addictions. I’m sitting here, and I’m dying to well “dive in.” I want to tell you everything, Lady Sophia, but that’s one more thing I can’t. There’s no TIME, it will cause too much TROUBLE, and I’m always TIRED. You should have seen me yesterday when I broke. I hated myself, but my mind was clear, and then, F my life.

Seeing as I can’t be negative all day but you know I’m going to try. Do you remember when I got heavy into Sean Weathers films, and I sort of wanted to direct those? Well, now I’m into Eric Vall. I’ve been reading Succubus Lord, and so far, I’m quite pleased with it. However, let me screw this up. While reading his book, I’m discovering Harem romances. One series by Rodzil LaBraun called Dystopian Girls. Of course, with my enjoyment of Vault Girls and Call me a Legend, this is becoming my niche. So I won’t be good at it. With that being said, I have come up with two new story ideas. A sequel to The Eve of a Cherry and one based on me sitting right here. On that topic, it’s been quite a while since I talked to Cherry? My wrong words, SIGH Will Digs On Hate.

I Will Have No Fear

Log 319 ~Will Needs To Project~

Project or project and have I ever mentioned that my Grandmommy lived “project adjacent.” I only got beat in the suburbs to be fair, but that’s not a story I want to tell. How about a “nice” Harem novel. Will Needs To Project

Friday, May 15, 2020

Log 319 ~Will Needs To Project~

Hey Lady Sophia,
I AM a Billionaire right now, which means I have all the time in the world. You’ll have to excuse me though as to how I’ve spent it this morning. One of the reasons I tout being a writer is the fact that I want to remember. In the past hour, I’ve only been looking at things I wish to regret. My FATHER, hates me saying this but, “Pretty Much” all women. I know you’re asking yourself, is this going to be another list? As I said, I write to remember, to speak as I please, and to get the Hell out of Dodge. My life’s project.

So anyway, besides looking at all the different meanings of “Project,” I’ve been looking for a girl. Don’t worry, my “stalking” days are done but not my “skeeving.” I hate to disappoint a woman, but anyway, it’s the girl in the kimono from Mob Wars. Find something better to do which of course I will this afternoon. Have I mentioned the fact that I’m back at the “Day Job?” The Law of Attraction being what it is, I won’t say anything wrong. By the time you’re reading this, I hope I had a Good Day as the song goes. What would be better is if I made any progress at all on Six Impossible Things? I won’t hold my breath., How long was I recuperating, recovering, and sad to say reliving my last workday, SIGH.

If anything I hope I finished, The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead. Have I learned anything with this being my second time reading it? Yeah, I thought so, and the next novel is Succubus Lord by Eric Vall. That will be followed by Too Late by Colleen Hoover. It’s the Harem Romance genre that gets me, though. You can find plenty on a Reverse Harem (one girl has multiple guys), but I have been doing research. Okay, I’m trying, on top of figuring out ways to make money. I’m not sick with the Coronavirus (COVID-19), but of people. Again my reasons for writing, people are telling stories about me when I can write them down myself. It doesn’t help when I still forget everything, what about my big series? If not that, The Eve of a Cherry, Gulp, Gown of Chaos?

Most writers look for Brand New. Will Needs To Project.

I Will Have No Fear