The more things change, the more they stay the same, or not. If there were to be any candles today, I would only wish to have my little boy back. Wanting him to live instead of wishing I had never been born, that’s something? B III The Emergence
Tuesday, September 7, 2021
Chronicle 068 ~B III The Emergence~
Dear Future Wife,
I AM a Billionaire right now, so what more could I want? The Little Things, My Love
- Braxton Barks Bradford back. my son, my best friend
- No more setting alarms for the Day Job, memorials
- The tears to stop falling. 219 days and counting
- A tattoo on my left forearm for my son
- A Cuddle Clone, for the foot of the bed
- A phone that I’m not constantly worried about, sigh
- A new phone battery, in general, that lasts all-day
- Some Black Air Pods that last like the phone
- GUNS, Lots of GUNS. Bullets for those I own
- My OnlyFans to get out of single digits someday
- Number One Best Seller List All Over The World
- A few more glasses choices for my everyday wear
- To fix my fucking mouth once and for all
- To never be told or feel like I’m STUPID
- A few more masks since people are very STUPID
- To need less sleep or more hours every day
- A new tablet for my ever-growing library (books, movies)
- Sour gummy bears, worms, straws, skittles, the list continues
- A machine to produce blue raspberry Icees on demand
- Bottles of Blazin’ Sauce or Carolina Reaper from BWW
- To finally give my two weeks or just quit
- Apple Watch instead of the cheap one I own
- To know Manhood as in never calling my father
- A physical copy of every book I own digitally
- To Make SCC Second Circle Creations an honest company
- Gift Cards over $100 bucks for specific places, hmm
- Certain Playboys, DVDs, Archives, no longer in general circulation
- The ability to drink more than one wine glass
- Laptop Desk for my bed in black, mouse area
- The Omega Virus Board Game, the original, my childhood
- One single day without fear of anything at all
- A Nude Maid Service; haven’t cleaned “really” since B
- Black HP Printer in black full color and Wi-Fi
- A method to forget the things that distress me
- Three little words, “I Love You” and mean it
- Cash, I’m a billionaire, but I’m looking for more
- To look in the mirror and not hate myself
The Little Things, Love, and Happiness. B III The Emergence
219 Days Without B III
BLM Braxton’s Life Matters,