Lesson 249 ~Top Shelf, In Drawers~

It beats watching the idiot box, reading over writing, and better still to be living but wherever id I learn to do that; if you are what you eat, are you what you read as well, as R. Kelly put it, I’m a “Bad Man.” Top Shelf, In Drawers

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Lesson 249 ~Top Shelf, In Drawers~

Forgive Me Echo,
I Am Not Afraid Anymore, humiliated, ashamed, highly questionable maybe only that’s the thing about the internet, dare I call it eternal, as an Egyptian pharaoh said, “So let it be written. So let it be done.” Does that make me scarier than most men or are women not that capable; is there another apology needed; what I mean is, I’ve read plenty of dark erotica, the darker, the better and they say I’m someone who could do these horrors, what do you think, am I able?

Is this a conversation better suited towards Dirty Diana or Lady Sophia; I’ll attend to my actual sins soon enough, but I was thinking about E. L. James who wrote Fifty Shades, and they don’t call her evil, they think she’s an idiot. I recently looked up a former book “Domination & Submission: The BDSM Relationship Handbook” and found out the author went to jail; hell I still gave the book three stars. How about Roosh V, besides being hated by a multitude of women, and being a blatant racist, I read two of his books too; what about all the dark fiction as well, on my Kindle and phone.

Now for my crimes, one I consider myself a writer and I have written some pretty disturbing things, my fiction, my inspirations, lately my comments and while I’m no damn good, I’m not a criminal but join the chorus… wait. They say don’t judge a book by its cover, and while some of these titles have tastefully clad women, the majority have shirtless men and let’s not forget the two I read that were gay and one which was more an orgy, thanks, Kit Rocha. To be perfectly honest I’m more embarrassed with the self-help titles and “The Manual: What Women Want and How to Give It to Them” which I consider the Bible somewhat and even had the nerve to read at work too.

So why bring all this up today, maybe because it’s the stuff I don’t write. Personally, I don’t own any leather, but I have a closet of outfits, I am not the bad guy, but I was thinking about the things I would say to a woman. If anything I must be forgiven Inspector Echo because I do not wish to play Cyrano de Bergerac any longer, I don’t plan on writing a love story, if I am a dominant, I’ll “Dom” my way, but my words are already on some top shelf, in drawers.

I Will Have No Fear

First Slam Problems

I was arrested when I was a kid so you would figure being an “adult” would give me some appreciation of freedom in this big wide wonderful world and yet I spend most of my time in a box. First Slam Problems, and second, third

Will it be chicken, sausage, maybe ham
all three and even more
but I really should get out the door

as I’ve never seen a match, a game, athletes on the lam
that some would call tradition
or tell me that wrestling is fiction

And I could always claim a traffic jam
I don’t walk or run, I’m allergic to the sun
Excuses I have a ton

So what’s one more slam,
when I’m here and free
Just not to be me…

Copyright © 2017, Will A. Bradford Jr. All rights reserved.

Lesson 063 ~New World’s Price Tag~

Porn Star’s good graces $250.00, a new website $80.00, being nice $500.00, my dog’s life, priceless, though that’s not entirely true, keeping him healthy and groomed and I’ve been able to handle everything so far. New World’s Price Tag

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Lesson 063 ~New World’s Price Tag~

Hey Lady Lu
No Fear and nothing we can’t do without but still I can’t help but imagine the possibilities, all the things that you could have done, should be doing and will be at some point. Suppose I still have the ability to surprise myself from time to time, buying into this world or at least it’s people maybe.

“What’s the threat? We all sell out every day, might as well be on the winning team.” They Live (1988)

I’ve never had a problem with the concept of buying a woman, no I haven’t ever been that sort of man, not for lack of trying, I mean all guys pay for it, take Valentine’s Day for example, though that’s not a popular sentiment in any case. I consider myself a simple man to a certain degree like I told “Indiana Gone” if I can live without it, I’ll save my money. I’ve had my fair share of being an idiot though, I spent money on a porn star once for her birthday, I don’t suppose I can defend myself saying that she is the perfect woman, the goddess right?

“In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women.” – Tony Montana, Scarface (1983)

Anyway for today’s lesson, sometimes I spend money like there is no tomorrow, I mean why not live it up right when I usually believe that the world is going to end in five minutes or less. What about the idea that we spend money on the things, on the people that we care about, and for some reason that does always come back to women for me but I’m not a total schlub? That’s why I’m so surprised, on you Lady Lu I’m still creating a place and you’re fictional along with several other women who will inhabit this world, for another, well maybe a few you can call it madness, and on yet another, a friend needs help and I give it without every be asking, I know Joel Osteen can take a lesson from this I think.

“If a man expects his woman to be an angel in his life, he first must create a heaven for her. Angels don’t live in hell.” – an unknown quote

Maybe that’s what I’m trying to figure out Luna, I mean Braxton is my son and no price is too high, though I fear the day something comes to pass where I won’t have enough to give. He’s probably the one thing on earth that I finance without an ulterior motive but then what was I thinking yesterday with my friend?

Hell, what about this place, what have I learned today, in the end, Luna, the New World’s Price Tag.