Chronicle 095 ~Knocking, Takes Finesse, Doors, Boots~

I’ll show you a door; you’re the one who has to walk through. I’d tell B I’d never leave for the Day Job again. I hate that door; B hated car doors. Did he know neither of us would look at the front door the same? Knocking Takes Finesse, Doors, Boots

Monday, October 4, 2021

Chronicle 095 ~Knocking, Takes Finesse, Doors, Boots~

Two-Hundred And Eighth Rule

Madam Justice
I AM a Billionaire right now, which means I can afford one of those RING doorbells. Only people knocking here want my money.

Hell, the only doors I’m knocking on are for places I don’t want to be. Well, if you’re destined for Hell, you might as well get there early. You know I hate the crowds, Madam. I got the sins, no doubt. Yet the fact we’re here now J, on the 2nd ha-ha. Sigh Time Travel. That’s sort of what the Den has become. My Time Machine. I ain’t the smartest man (not STUPID). But working the thermostat, managing money, being a good Daddy. The Den is the warmest room in the house with the door closed. Today I miss Braxton’s scratching. I only shut it when he was here because I was mad. Otherwise, with his warmth… Cold, what Cold? I can’t feel a thing.

Hell, I deserve to get sick. I remember sitting there, my feet frozen in place and at the same time beating a path straight to Hell. As the needles took B; disease, vaccine, rejected me. So I won’t get COVID; for once, I was hoping the Republicans were right, and I would die. It’s not like I’m getting laid anytime soon. Knocking boots, as the kids would say. I don’t wear them or anything else, considering what I’m doing. I did have dreams of being a porn star once upon a time. For right now, I want to stay behind closed doors in the Den. Here I am, though, talking to you today because of all the knocking I’ll do. That I’ve done already, Madam.

Edward Norton kicked his own ass in Fight Club. Ain’t that something, Madam. I forgot knocking heads, and somehow the ASM reminds me every time I see his fucking face. Only I never grew into a violent person except against myself. I skipped all the self-harm and went right to, let’s say, the heart of the matter. Even that I fucked up. As for fighting? Every day I’m and out for the count. Not today because I was talking to Lady Lu about a lack of sleep being punishment. We’ll see how long this lasts. Not to Sunday the 3rd. Promises and a Penis take finessing too. Pardon my language today. Am I good at any of this? Opening doors? Knocking Takes Finesse, Doors, Boots

246 Days Without B III

BLM Braxton’s Life Matters,

Episode 356 ~Will’s PG Programming Guide~

Time to get to work, not knocking anyone but those words at 4:00 AM suck when you know you’re not getting paid a whole lot, so it makes sense even “adult entertainment” has proper hours. Will’s PG Programming Guide.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Episode 356 ~Will’s PG Programming Guide~

Hey Lady Lu,
I AM a Millionaire right now but not because of my network. In Episode 345 “You Got Will’s Number” I talked about what that would entail. Cosplayers. Sex-Ed, Reactors, Adult Entertainment, And Gamers in general. It would be my own YouTube, well dirtier. These past few days, I have been too tired even to do that. Last night was a nightmare. The house smells like shit (LANGUAGE), and the dreams keep coming. They beat what’s coming out of B III’s butt though. Again though I can be far worse as Quasimodo said.

“No face as hideous as my face
Was ever meant for Heaven’s light” Heaven’s Light

I know Lady Lu, positive vibes and that’s me being B III’s father. When I meet the right woman and Triple B has “normal” siblings” will I be the man, the father they need? All I know is I was up at 4:00 AM scrubbing the floor. At this rate, I wouldn’t oppose a few dirty diapers thrown away. What about Rule 012, “I Take Own My Lumps,” I am the responsible one. He needs care I make sure he gets it. I’m the one arguing with publishers. Even now, I need to call the Vet back about my son. If anything being a father being an adult keeps me out of other messes; for the most part. Sleep has not been a problem, and anger can mix with other things too. Nothing will ever take my boy’s place though that’s for sure, Lady Lu.

Not that I have any other ladies beating down my door. If I got so lucky the house is a mess and did I mention Triple B’s bathroom problem? My dreams are much cleaner. It was three parts, the first being a multitude of doors. No matter if I knocked, kicked, and because keys aren’t needed, the door would open to white mist. When I woke up, I went to B III’s room and stepped feet first into one of many messes. After an hour, I was back to sleep with those same doors. On the other side, there was only me, and I ran. It’s something out of Jordan Peele’s “Us” only with doors, not mirrors. I heard in a song once Don’t Let Me Get Me. How about my new favorite game Is This Porn? No, I don’t have time for that or anything else, to be honest.

Pops is taking care of business, Will’s PG Programming Guide.

I Will Have No Fear

First Slam Problems

I was arrested when I was a kid so you would figure being an “adult” would give me some appreciation of freedom in this big wide wonderful world and yet I spend most of my time in a box. First Slam Problems, and second, third

Will it be chicken, sausage, maybe ham
all three and even more
but I really should get out the door

as I’ve never seen a match, a game, athletes on the lam
that some would call tradition
or tell me that wrestling is fiction

And I could always claim a traffic jam
I don’t walk or run, I’m allergic to the sun
Excuses I have a ton

So what’s one more slam,
when I’m here and free
Just not to be me…

Copyright © 2017, Will A. Bradford Jr. All rights reserved.