“Marshall” Law… Fine With Me

We all fear “Martial” law I suppose but this movie is nothing to be concerned with unless you have kids and you’re looking for a date night, educational but hilarious and so much more. “Marshall” Law… Fine With Me, or maybe, “Friedman Law”.

Actually, it was more than fine with me, it’s quite amazing to be sure, incredible, well worth the watch, kudos all around for the cast. I wasn’t skeptical or anything but let’s just say I wasn’t in a rush to see it but I would definitely go and see it again it has a little bit of everything to be sure making one well-done story.

From Chadwick Boseman, to Josh Gad, and Kate Hudson, though out of the three, Josh Gad really made this movie, though since it’s based on a true story I don’t know whether to say that Boseman really helped Gad to shine or if that’s just how it was between the real Marshall and Friedman in reality. As with Kate Hudson, I’m tempted to call her role cliché but it was awesome to see how well she took to it, though the ending was somewhat subdued for my taste. There is more than enough action to keep up with all the legal jargon, though with some of that action I wouldn’t necessarily recommend this as an educational tool for the kids.

So that’s enough for “Fandango” overall I like a movie that’s able to stimulate, motivate, and educate all in one; it’s films like this that sort of show me why perhaps my father ‘had’ such high hopes for me and for himself. I can’t help but wonder if the real Thurgood Marshall was such a badass, again based on a true story and just like any of the books I read you just have to know how much is on point. If I learned anything besides, some lawyer talk and of course how bad things were back then for the record, women are nothing but trouble, I’m half-way kidding maybe.

“’Cause white women
don’t bring nothin’ but trouble.

That ain’t white women, man.
That’s women.” Save The Last Dance (2001)

Honestly, I didn’t have any inclination to just go and see this movie, “Regal Crown Club” knows how to take care of its members but anyway right after the movie I was telling a friend how awesome it is. Considering this day and age I believe this movie says plenty, I almost couldn’t believe the correlation between yesteryear and today.

As far as plot, again I would usually say that this movie might feed of something like the 1997 film “Rosewood” but if anything it shows that the more things change the more they stay the same throughout history, can’t go lynching a town but that’s only a span of 1923 to around 1940 if I’m remembering the timeframe. Now I also joked about women but other than Kate Hudson who you’re supposed to hate as a character the other female roles and supporting cast were top notch and astounding.

In case the trailer didn’t give it away, “Eleanor Strubing” (Kate Hudson) frames a black man for rape and attempted murder, and it’s up to Thurgood Marshall and an extremely reluctant Sam Friedman to defend him. I’m sure some people might be somewhat disappointed since this isn’t the Chadwick talking so much loud and proud against the state he truly has to play off Josh for that but it comes out well. Maybe I’m an idiot for not seeing the truth until the end but that’s refreshing when your audience has to think and has to imagine what comes next.

Keesha Sharp and Marina Squerciati who played Marshall and Friedman’s wives respectively did quite well for what screen time they received. I wish I could remember that one woman though, who led the jury, I don’t want to risk sounding stupider but the way she and Josh played off each other, was smoking. Speaking of smoking the rest of the cast made my blood boil but in a good way and the scenes between Kate and Sterling K. Brown were done well to be sure.

Another reason you might not want to bring the kids is the language, not that it’s over the top, it’s used exactly where it’s needed but still, it’s there. The movie itself isn’t offensive but it will give African Americans and Jewish Americans something to bond over, that’s a fact.

Now if you don’t want any spoilers, I advise you turn back now with my five out of five-star blessing because these are just too good not to share. Am I making this movie sound perfect, it’s not bad at all though there are a few things I would have done differently, of course, this is history so there’s that.

“If there is absolutely no way you can get out of taking a terrible beating, the only sensible thing to do is, get in the first lick!” Billy Jack, The Trial of Billy Jack (1974)

Josh Gad made me proud when he knew he was going to get beat up but swung first and usually something like that isn’t funny but when he was expecting round two, he picked up a knife at home which his wife promptly took and handed him a bigger butcher knife (Wife Goals). Chadwick Boseman did his share of fighting and the quips he and Josh shared were excellent, even when he was forced to remain silent and speak through Gad. Of course, there was the verdict and the passing glances between the forewoman on the jury her and Gad, and Strubing and Spell, sort of reminisce of “Life” 1999

Yes, I was one of those disappointed people who expected Marshall to be all fire and brimstone but he had to work through Friedman nearly the entire time. The ending sort of just petered out, we didn’t get to see what happened to Strubing, was the whole synagogue scene just to drive the point that Friedman was Jewish and Marshall just walking off talking about dinner and the next case. I am impressed though with this one fact, that just like today, a white man commits a crime and he’s a pillar of the community he’s a good person, but a black man will have every sin dug up to villainize him, guilty or innocent.

Five stars, a great movie, if the true story of Rosewood was too hard to stomach Marshall will fit the bill with a happy ending. One more thing, just a note, I like Common and all, he and John Legend were awesome with the song “Glory” but the theme song for Marshall while decent, it’s not Glory, but anyway, this movie truly is glory honestly.

Lesson 095 ~Wanna Meet A Ghost~

Why do people believe in ghosts, God, and I suppose guns help with both but I’m not being political here, I just really saw a ghost. Wanna Meet A Ghost, trust me you’re not prepared and I surely wasn’t so why would you believe me right

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Lesson 095 ~Wanna Meet A Ghost~

Hey Lady Lu
No Fear and I was never one to build a snowman but I am one to meet a ghost or so I thought I did today or at least I saw one.

Would you truly like to know how to figure out you’re alive… you’re the one being haunted, you feel fear, and it’s rare for zombies to eat their own; yeah we’ll come back to that sooner or later. You feel your heart race, your blood runs cold, and then there is the good old flight or fight response, but I took a path more like Tom Petty, I swear I’m on a death kick really. Haven’t we all been Lady Lu, why is it that we only truly appreciate life so near death, I mean have I been eager to die… I know the euphoria of a failed suicide attempt after I’m not puking green for most of the day.

Anyway so about this ghost, Scrooge will be the first one to tell you that ghost aren’t exactly ones for manners, hell I could even convince myself maybe I didn’t see anyone at all but I know I did. What would I have said, the good news is I’ve pretty much forgotten what was scaring me so and then boom, a sign that I was a bad man, best not to dwell on it right?

I never pictured myself as a ghost and you know my views on reincarnation but I feel like one of those villains in “Ghost” except all I want to do is survive. Again this is true of all of us, look at you Luna at least I can hear you and I didn’t have to die, sounding crazy but that’s pretty relative in this day and age. Does one even have to die to be a ghost, every moment, every decision, every day we are born again, trying to become better than we were yesterday and that never just goes away, we are haunted by the people we were, are, and could be and so we learn to live again.

Free speech for the living, dead men tell no tales

So what have I learned today, more like another question should I open my eyes and listen, didn’t help in “Pulse”, should I run, I stood my ground today but who knows what tomorrow will bring, Wanna Meet A Ghost?

I Will Have No Fear

Lesson 094 ~Whole Lot Of World~

It all started with a hole in my shoe today but I can get new shoes, it’s words that are awfully expensive, just ask whoever makes gravestones; am I incapable of being positive? “Whole Lot Of World”, these days and I’m only seeing the ugly.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Lesson 094 ~Whole Lot Of World~

Hey Lady Lu
No Fear, there is a whole lot of world, after all, that’s me being positive just so you know because I was thinking the lesson would be Hole In The World and that’s true as well. You know I figured I had discovered the meaning of life before, have I shared that with you… anyway since this is only a working idea for the moment, I think maybe the ‘purpose’ is to fill the holes, and there are just so many Luna.

In our own way we are all gravediggers and maybe to avoid that fate we seek lives worth remembrance, and in that we become immortal. Take myself as an example, I want to be a writer, can’t say I will ever be a good one but I want people to see my words, possibly hear them, I want them to feel those little gaps in our brain, hell I told somebody once, if there is such a thing as reincarnation, I would like to be a virus. Also, I can’t say I don’t find let’s say a “Hostel” concept to be somewhat intriguing my lady.

Today my eyes were sort of wonky and you know I had one of those weird thoughts I do, this time it was about going blind because I ate a pickle but that being said I figured if I ever did go blind just kill me. With my luck, some blind person will be offended but I thought of all the holes we have and how we are in a constant need to feel them, mouths with words, eyes with beauty, ears with voices. All of this can be done by one person, a hole in the heart perhaps, you start with one at a time isn’t that right, one person trying to get to the bottom of you perhaps.

I’m still trying to do that myself, how many times have I thought of myself as one of “The Walking Dead” and I just need to be exhumed sort of like “Warm Bodies”. There is some good news, I noticed I survived the days of Sapphire though I still feel ‘anxiety” when I hear something outside, today it was the garbage truck, not the police.

So what have I learned today, other than I should listen to something other than my own insecurities, that I should see something beautiful, other than hentai, as always I’m full of crap but there’s a Whole Lot Of World?

I Will Have No Fear

Veiled Planet But Veiled Woman?

Chick’s got a veil, dude better bail but that’s not the case with Teagan Kearney’s work or with Kara for that brief period she had to wear a veil, this work and this girl are quite beautiful. “Veiled Planet But Veiled Woman?”

“Assumptions should be proven or disproven by facts” Veiled Planet

As for my assumptions, this book would be cliché, the indigenous people would be ‘hominids’ or like people, and that I would thoroughly enjoy this book, done, done, and done. Veiled Planet keeps you on the edge of your seat the same way the movie “Avatar” does, an adventure, a love story, intrigue, and mystery, but to a certain degree.

Even knowing what was going to happen, I still wanted to read about it, I can appreciate Teagan Kearney’s twist on the genre. It reminds me plenty of young adult heroines I’m so fond of, just set in an, even more, sci-fi universe although besides the wording don’t expect to see much of it since the story is set more in nature. Maybe I shouldn’t be comparing it to so many other titles and experiences but I mean them all as compliments; I know what I like and to be sure this was so amazing.

The male protagonist “Rishi” was somewhat reminiscence of some of Gary Paulsen’s titles but it was awesome to see him play off of the heroine Kara, so there were respites of humor mixed in as well. Maybe I’m being bias considering this is a story that has been done before, so I know it well but I was still excited every day when I picked it up. That’s also a bit of bad news, you see the ending and it’s sort of like hitting a brick wall and you’re still smiling but yeah um ouch.

You shouldn’t let that stop you though, most good books leave you hurting and a somewhat sweet, predictable but abrupt ending didn’t stop my enjoyment. If you’ve read this far, just know that the title has my stamp of approval without a doubt but if you’re lazy you can always pick up Avatar and switch Jake Sully’s character with Neytiri.

“The family is sacred. Without the family, society fails”
― from Teagan Kearney, Veiled Planet

So would you prefer once upon a time or stop me if you’ve heard this one, a human comes to alien/hominids planet, falls in with the natives, falls in love with one and now it’s time to save the world or maybe love conquers all perhaps. Space people bad native people good, just a lot more diplomatic, which is another thing this book was filled with politics but not bogged down like any Star Wars.

I related to Kara in a certain way and nobody can blame Rishi or Miklo for that matter for being guys but again, the somewhat teenage aspect of things or boys will be boys. Of course, Kara is so smart and right about everything she is simply busy employing her moral sense into her new world but that doesn’t last too long. I would say the author has some weird ideas about men and women but I can’t stress this enough, with the world we live in who isn’t influenced?

Take some of the characters such as Ikeya and Yleni for example, some people would be insulted by this male-dominated society, Ikeya has his place and Yleni is just the woman behind the man you see the same in Kara’s relationships. You have the big flashy tribal leader who is more of a shower than a doer with his own hidden agendas for what he does. How about the colonists who behaved exactly as if Kara has gone crazy not that the “Maruts” weren’t sticklers about their own rules too.

You have to wonder if the author making a not so subtle estimation of humanity or was this purely coincidental because I can see the parallels in society. On the other hand, she’s a genius and this was fate or in the DNA, but that makes me sound like Rishi.

“Our coming across you the way we did wasn’t an accident. It was what you call Fate or Destiny.” ― from Teagan Kearney, Veiled Planet

If you want to discover this book for yourself, I suggest you turn away now but how great was this book… four stars and my Kindle kept erasing the copy I got for an honest review so I went and bought a copy because I was so caught up. No book is perfect, I’ll take that back, this book wasn’t perfect but the point is to hook the reader and sadly I already was, clichés.

Anything with a solid love story has my vote and while I believe that love could have been a bit more ‘descriptive’ I fell in love with Kara but I’m sort of easy like that. The nature aspect always gets to me, reading about them on the road and the traditions and customs but for the life of me, I couldn’t get the look of “satyrs” out of my head, the way we normally think about them. It was really inspiring though when Kara found out she had been made somewhat a Helen of Troy archetype with the Maruts coming to get her back, I cheered at that fact honestly.

As for my dislikes, a lot of books are scaring me these days, working on my own stories I know I have to buy Grammarly and a half-dozen editors because there were a few problems, typos and such. Kara didn’t appear to be flawed in any way but the people around her always seemed to be, especially the part with her and Rishi after the storm, boys will be boys but still, that wasn’t fair at all the laws. I said the ending was a wall but while the story overall was incredible, just cliché after cliché, you can’t call it uninspired, it’s a work of art but let’s just say I know the author has other people to thank.

Four stars without a doubt, would I read what comes next, definitely, any advice, as people tell me sometimes, more you and less them but yes this is awesome. Teagan Kearney will not put you to sleep but if you do sleep make sure you know all the rules because, in the end, it’s a Veiled Planet But Veiled Woman?

“Freedom is the most precious gift.”
Teagan Kearney, Veiled Planet

Lesson 093 ~And The Sun Rises~

How many knew they had watched their last sunrise and how many of those have I regretted, that I wish I didn’t have to see if anything I should be more grateful to be sure. “And The Sun Rises”, maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after, who knows

Monday, October 2, 2017

Lesson 093 ~And The Sun Rises~

Hey Lady Lu
No Fear, you got to remember to keep your head up, and yes that is going in the rule book but speaking of which there are exceptions and one of those is when you’re being shot at. I swear I don’t know what is going on with the world today and how many times have I said, I’m not cut out for politics but to think my biggest problem this morning was I couldn’t keep my head up around this construction guy and then a few minutes later I learned there had been yet another shooting; some people will never raise their heads again and I’m complaining?

Death does not frighten me Lady Lu, of course you know this, I was in my car yesterday “Just Cruisin’” and the thought that if there was a button that could end my life so easily I’d probably push it. Suicidal tendencies as always but I’m doing pretty okay for just being human… when did I start explaining myself to you especially since I want to start writing today? As this Walmart greeter said, any day above ground right, and as we have discussed before just because so many others have it worse right now doesn’t make my problems any less valid and yes I am grateful, though I’m always saying that about my day job and that’s fear talking.

Speaking of fear talking, I was watching Fear The Walking Dead last night and this lady made Alicia promise that she wouldn’t make decisions based on fear and we know that’s my bread and butter. Also, a note, don’t let me buy bread and butter pickles anymore those things are gross but what does any of this have to do with today’s lesson? I was thinking that the sun isn’t scared to rise and neither is the moon, how about Braxton, how about any of those people who were at that concert just living life?

No, Luna, I don’t owe you a damn thing even remembering how we got back to talking, I don’t owe any bitch if anything I owe Braxton, but my point is that it’s a new day and what am I going to do with it, why fear it at all? So what have we learned besides the fact that sometimes I feel immortal or I’m dead and in Hell, and other times I know I need to get to work because I’m still here Lady Lu And The Sun Rises?

I Will Have No Fear

Lesson 092 ~Is Creativity An Orphan~

I never meant to leave my creative spark behind or maybe it’s running away, it’s the reason Braxton still has a leash and a big fence, but now I think the ideas are back the voices… am I crazy? “Is Creativity An Orphan”?

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Lesson 092 ~Is Creativity An Orphan~

Hey Lady Lu
No Fear and no ladies either, really what am I still talking to you for… I’m just kidding but I didn’t kid properly if I hurt your feelings. Anyway today’s lesson, I was thinking of that saying ‘necessity is the mother of invention’ but what is my need and that’s easy, someone’s got to hear my story.

I’m still going about it all half-assed but didn’t Martin Luther King Jr have a dream, maybe I should feel bad about using such a great man’s concept but I can dream too and now I’m starting to formulate a plan. For example, you know that brothel I always dreamed about owning, like Dennis Hof, I brought it up yesterday, another one of my Second Circle Creations ideas, I was thinking I could do that with my writing, talk about going mad, seven different characters inside my head. I go crazier by the day don’t you think and what does this have to do with the lesson… Bereft of family, friends, and a world I don’t like a writer has become an orphan and when the words are embraced, maybe we don’t feel so alone?

Which brings me to “Degrees of Falling” I’m still planning on writing that novella, ‘six degrees of separation’ might be a more apt title but since we know what I’m writing it about… Maybe I owe my ISP a big favor today because the service has been sucky which is actually forcing me to focus on my writing but our chat is still going nowhere am I right or am I right? How about the idea that I kill off most of my characters but I don’t want to give my latest story away now that the thought is finally coming to me, and it might actually be accomplished, right?

Some of the best writing is supposed to come from pain and suffering or so I’ve heard, it’s part of what I believe makes me a good dominant; I’m submissive to my writing, damn near a masochist when it comes to what writing actually does to me. In turn, I become the dominant of my words and my feelings, and while I rather not give ‘some people’ the satisfaction I finally know what to write.

So what have we learned today besides the fact that I must really be missing porn “Runaways 10 (Kitty Marie)” to be precise but she was a runaway, not an orphan, but when creativity strikes I don’t know today it just felt like I was resurrected with it, ideas in my head so again I ask Is Creativity An Orphan.

I Will Have No Fear