Chronicle 277 ~Prevent Your Stupidity, Kiss Her~

I say some pretty effed-up things. But the worst part of this is what I didn’t say. It took 428 days, not to mention my son. I was too busy thinking about kissing some girl to see my failure, grief, and stupidity? Prevent Your Stupidity, Kiss Her, um

Monday, April 4, 2022

Chronicle 277 ~Prevent Your Stupidity, Kiss Her~

Two-Hundred and Thirty-Fourth Rule

Madam Justice
I AM a Billionaire right now, or if I were, I’m sure I’d be in a better mood. Good morning is a lie.

Let me be clear, I haven’t found my “human” soulmate yet. I don’t have a girl or even a Miss Right Now. Is it stupid to say all this now? Confessions for the Inspector, Lunalesca? Right now, talking to you. But I think about two other girls. Uh, I’m in no mood; um, ok, yup. But how can I say that? Considering it’s now 6:00 AM. And yes, I was up at 4:00. In more ways than one, of course. And what have I been doing besides falling back to sleep? Well, you know because I’m going to tell. Like Lester in American Beauty:

“I was whacking off! That’s right, I was choking the bishop, chafing the carrot, you know, saying “hi” to my monster!”

I told Cherry once I was doing that when I thought about her. What would M Anime think? Braxton’s aunt would dig it, I know.

First off, I didn’t finish as much as I would’ve liked to. Second, it’s been 35 days since I’ve cum. And because comedy comes in 3’s, Lester was played by Kevin Spacey; uh, that guy… Better focusing on him as Lester or Jane played by Thora Birch and voluptuous yabbos. While I’m talking about actors and actresses, how about Will Smith? I’ve been listening to a lady at the Day Job talk all sorts of mess about him. How do I feel about him? I’ve got three words “Big Willie Style.” That album was released in 1997. Got me through school. It’s my opinion that people are much too hard on Will. But I’m not trying to argue with some broad or sleep with her.

That’s why this rule doesn’t work. Not with this chick, but I mean in general. It only applies when you already have the woman. And sticking with acting, here’s Scarface:

“In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women.”

Money fixes a whole lot, if not everything. But how much money do I spend trying to get some woman to take off her clothes? Kisses are free, aren’t they? It’s from a song I heard like tequila makes her clothes fall off. But I don’t drink either. And telling a woman all these things, Madam. The truth about myself… Prevent Your Stupidity, Kiss Her.

In all this talk about women, I just noticed something. Besides mentioning Braxton’s aunt, I wasn’t thinking of Braxton in this conversation. It has been 428 days. What the fuck!

428 Days Without B III

BLM Braxton’s Life Matters,

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