Saga 114 ~B So Weak Virgil~

It takes three months for a dog to acclimate to a new place. Now two years old, which is what, twenty-four years human V’s walking into rooms, jumping on comfy spots, and wanting French fries. I’m thirty-eight and scared to breathe. B So Weak Virgil.

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Saga 114 ~B So Weak Virgil~

To Will:
I AM a Billionaire right now, so I get a peaceful Sleep. There’s no Sobbing. And SEX! Nope, don’t think about it, please!

But as for you? Hell! The fact that you’re up before 6:00 in the morning. Of course, thoughts of B. Is it weak to mourn my lost boy this long? Depends on who you ask. You have plenty to be broken all up about. The fact that I didn’t cave to… well, we’ll get to that. Again you were up at a “reasonable” hour. How many times have you looked up Roxanne Perez, amongst other things? But you’re not giving up. Can’t send Virgil away. One more thing that you have to worry about this week. With all the nightmares that could haunt you. It’s the staying awake for this week. And if I weren’t so busy sleeping on the loveseat ignoring Six Impossible Things:

  1. I WILL BE VIEWING Come Back: Reincarnation by Tina Proffitt
  2. I WILL BE VETTING Pictures, My Braxton’s Albums
  3. I WILL BE VENDING Gulp: Poetry Book
  4. I WILL BE VOWING To Keep Pants On (Day 010 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
    Completed (Day 017 No Fap)
  5. I WILL BE VALUING My Flesh Getting A Tattoo Of My Son Little B III
  6. I WILL BE VALIANT Being The Man My Son Thinks I Am

I tried. I avoided climbing back into bed. And you told yourself that you would go downstairs to have this conversation. Talk about being weak in the knees. Ha! Crappy joke. With all the money lifted from your wallet for medication, that didn’t work (sigh). You would be walking on air. But the boys remain, Braxton and Virgil, for you to carry. Incredible that such a belief remains that fatherhood is the epitome of manhood. I’ve thought that I’m not Virgil’s Dad all this week. Always and forever, Braxton’s. That’s a fact, 100%. What is it the Christians say, upon this rock, I’ll build my church or something to that effect? Did I mention I’ve been a priest going on seventeen days? Six Impossible Things:

  1. I WILL BE VIEWING “Coping with Sorrow on the Loss of Your Pet” Moira Allen
  2. I WILL BE VETTING Pictures, My Braxton’s Albums
  3. I WILL BE VENDING Gulp: Poetry Book
  4. I WILL BE VOWING To Keep Pants On (Day 017 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
  5. I WILL BE VALUING My Flesh Getting A Tattoo Of My Son Little B III
  6. I WILL BE VALIANT Being The Man My Son Thinks I Am

The thing you’re most worried about this week. Because, you know, two, three, five, and six aren’t getting done. Tis the season for things to end up in the graveyard. A whole year has disappeared, and what do you have to show for it? Dammit, only been 6 ½ hours. What right do I have to tell you this week, oh no? Um, I should offer to give you some advice, ha. Anything that doesn’t involve some girl taking her clothes off, am I right? A release? Something better than the fear of what the veterinarian might say about Virgil Vivi? Nothing but rage, though, at the Humiliations Galore that awaits. A week in existence. But look to 2V never again, B So Weak Virgil

630 Days Without B III, Day 071 of Virgil’s Arrival

BLM Braxton’s Life Matters,

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